~Chapter 1~

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Above is what Ethan looks like.

Personality: Caring, protective
Age: 364 (When alive was 17)
Relationship: (Y/N)'s Best Friend
Height: 5'6
Status: Dead/Sprit/Ghost
Cause of death: Ran over with moving carriage/ horse

Ethan loves you to death. He would go out of his way to make sure you're safe. Especially since he can hold stuff, which is very handy.

I fiddle with my guitar strings as I look out the window. It was nice outside but there wasn't anything to do. I heard Ethan sigh behind me. "Let's go take a walk or something! I'm bored!" He whined. I chuckled at his childless, even if he was 2 years older than me, when he was alive at least. I then spot a man carrying a box over to the empty house beside mine. "Hey Ethan, come take a look at this." I say pointing my finger onto the glass. Ethan comes and looks. "New neighbors?" He asks as he smiles. "(Y/N), come here!" I heard my mom holler.

I sighed but got up from my seat, setting my wooden guitar down in the process and went downstairs. "Since you never come out of that room of yours, you're going to come with me and introduce yourself to the new neighbors." She said smiling before opening the door for me. I huffed in response but walked out the door as she followed.

She knocked on the door. Soon after a woman opened it. "Hello! My name is (m/n) and this is my son (y/n)! We're your new neighbors!" My mom said cheerfully. I crossed my arms after shifting my black beanie back to it's place on my head.

The woman smiled. "Hello! It's nice to meet you! My name is Maria! I actually have a son myself. Maybe our boys can get along? Mine doesn't really like to socialize." The woman chuckled at her last sentence. Mom nodded and Maria called for someone. I wasn't paying attention as I was looking at the side to Ethan. Hating this whole idea.

I was having a conversation with Ethan inside my head until mom snapped her fingers and I snapped back to reality. A short boy with blonde hair, blue eyes, a green hoodie, jeans and some sneakers was beside Maria.

I eyed him, my arms still crossed. "Introduce yourself." I heard Maria say. "Hi. I'm Benjamin." He said lazily. I could tell he didn't want to do this as much as I didn't. "I'm (y/n)." I reply and he nodded. "How about you two go and socialize in Ben's room?" His mom suggests.

He gestures his hand for me to follow and leads me up the stairs. He opens his door to reveal his empty room. I walk in and he does soon after me. "I can tell you don't want to do this as much as I do so let's get this over with." I say sitting down as Ethan hits my chest. He nods and sits on his bed.

"You better make a friend (y/n)!" Ethan says and I try my hardest not to roll my eyes. "So, what do you like to do?" I ask. He shrugs "Play video games." I chuckle at his reply but nod. "Understandable. What's your favorite game?" I ask him. "Majora's mask." He replies and my mouth flys slightly open. "You have the new or old version?" I ask and he replies with old. I smile widely. "You're lucky man! I'm gonna have to come over and watch you play sometime." We both chuckle.

Out the corner of my eye I see Ethan smiling widely, nodding his head. Benjamin and I actually had a lot in common surprisingly after talking a while. I helped him unpack his stuff. "Hey, I'm going over to my friend's house. Wanna come?" I ask and he hummed in response. We go down the stairs and just as we walk outside my mom asks "Where are you two going?"

Without thinking I reply "To Jeff and Liu-" I stop myself and stop in my tracks. I look down frowning. "I mean, to Jeff's house." I correct myself slowly remembering how Jeff stabbed Randy and Liu took the blame for it. I grabbed Ben's hand and ran to Jeff's house. "Why did you look so sad?" He asked me. "It's nothing Ben. Just don't bring it up around Jeff." I told him and he nodded.

I knocked on his door and Jeff answered. "Hey buddy, you doin' ok?" I smiled softly at him. He nodded and let us in. "So who's this?" He asks me looking at Ben. "Benjamin. Ben for short. He's our new neighbor." I replied as Ben let out a "Yo".

Jeff nodded. I could tell he was slowly becoming insane that the fact his brother was gone. "Where are your parents?" I asked him. "On a meeting trip. They won't be back for three days. They left about an hour ago before you came." He replied and Ethan's face lit up. "Let's have a sleepover!" Ethan cheered. I chuckled.

"What?" Jeff asked. I leaned to his hear. "Ethan said he wants a sleepover. He's such a child eh?" I smiled as Jeff did as well. "Yeah sure, I'd be bored without you guys anyway." He smiled. Ethan cheered. "What's happening?" Ben suddenly asked. "We're all gonna sleep over here. Or can you not?" I responded. He texted his mom and he nodded his head.

"Ethan is running around yelling." I suddenly burst out. Jeff and me snicker. "Who's Ethan?" Ben looked at me confused.

"I am!" Ethan spun around in the air.

He didn't look different at all but Ben's eyes widened. "Wha-What?" Ben said backing up against the wall. "He's cool. He can't hurt you or anything, he's dead." I say as Jeff and Ethan nod. "B-But that's freaky! I can't believe you can talk to ghosts!" Ben said. I chuckled a bit. 

"Well, we should be off now, we do need to get our things." I stated. Ben nodded. "Bye Jeff! Cya later!" Ben said smiling and leaving the house. I grabbed the door knob and took a look at Jeff. He looked like he was about to break down. Before knew it I had ran and hugged Jeff. I stared into his crystal blue eyes. He slowly hugged back. "I know I probably sound like a worried mom... But I know everything will be ok. They'll give him back." I said softly, drawing circles on his back as he cried on my shoulder.

After awhile he calmed down. I ruffled his hair and told him to splash water on his face. I then waved, smiled and left.

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