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"I-I lo...love you!"

Your POV

I held back my tears. The only time I've heard that was in my dreams. I looked down at him as I set him in my lap. "Did-" I held back a choke. The muscles in my throat wouldn't relax enough to speak, so I forced them. "Did you practice that?" I asked. He nodded, a bright smile on his face that would make the most depressed person on this world happy. I hugged him tightly. "I love you too, Misaki." I'm definitely going to make him officially my child, even if I'm a criminal.

Misaki wouldn't go back to his own seat, so we ate together meanwhile, Okiro was mumbling to himself. "I'm an Uncle. I'm an Uncle? I'm an Uncle. I'm an Uncle." He kept repeating, which made me chuckle. Misaki stabbed a small piece scrambled egg with his fork and stuffed it in his mouth, his cheeks becoming puffy with a smile still as bright as day. He nodded, definitely going 'Mmmmm' in his mind.


We decided to go to the park. I say Okiro's cheeks flush at the sight of a girl with blonde hair, blue eyes and a light blue sundress on. She turned around and spotted us, making Okiro's face turn red. Misaki held my hand tighter as he looked up at me. I had used mist on myself, so everyone saw me as Okiro's older brother. I had the same purple curly locks and purplish-bluish eyes that shined like diamonds despite the fake bags under my eyes.

I bend down to Misaki's level. "Don't worry, Misaki. Go play and make some friends!" I gave a smile, my no longer sharp teeth giving me a sweet innocent look.

He hesitated, but nodded and slowly walked over to the other kids playing in a sandbox. The girl began walking over to us. "Emma.... Is coming... Over here!" Okiro squeaked, his face as red as a strawberry. I lightly hit his arm with mine. "Be cool! You got this!" I whispered. He looked at me and nodded, now looking determined.

"Hi Okiro! I didn't know you come to this park!" She hummed, her eyes going from him to me. "Oh, is this your brother? I didn't know you had another one of those." She said. "O-Oh, yeah... This is uhm.." He glanced at me. "Akuma." I introduced, holding out my hand. She smiled and gladly shook it. "So who's the little guy?" She asked, turning around to look at Misaki who was shyly playing in the sandbox with a bubbly girl with pink hair. "That's Misaki. My son." I explained.

She looked shocked. "How old are you?" She asked. "Twenty-seven." I replied smoothly. "You look seventeen!" She exclaimed. I smiled and looked at Okiro and nodded my head a small bit. "Uhm... Would you like to get.. Ice cream with me?" He asked, fiddling with his fingers. Emma hummed and nodded, making Okiro's face go up in flames.


Finally, back at the mansion. I flopped down onto the bed, suddenly remembering Okiro's blushing face. "I j-just got kissed. Twice!" He had said. "Emma kissed me on the cheek before she left, then Zack r-ran up to me and kissed me! On the l-lips!" He held his face I his hands. I was surprised he didn't explode.

BEN opened my door. "I'm back." He announced, coming to lay on top of me. I wrapped my arms around him. "I missed you." I mumbled, sitting up. He buried his face in my chest. I could tell he was taking in my scent, even though he had one of my hoodies on.

Misaki came in my room and began to play in my hair. I feel like I have everything in the world. The love of my life, my own son. Everything is perfect,

And I'm going to keep it that way.


Thank you for reading! Your comments always bring me joy and have always given me the motivation to keep writing. This book was really long and I thank you for reading it all.

I hope all your days are amazing and you live happily! 😊


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