~Chapter 18~

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The little elf ran out the room and he didn't come out for the rest of the night. He still had my hoodie when he ran out the room. Thief.

Your POV

"Benny, open the door." I whined knocking on it again. It was time for breakfast and BEN still wouldn't come out his room. "I'm not hungry." I heard him mumble. "C'mon, just open the door for me." I said. Silence was heard. I grumbled. "I'll give you tons of cuddles." I bribed.

He didn't respond. I groaned and rested my forehead on the door. I called Ethan and asked him to unlock BEN's door. Once he did I went in. BEN froze and his face became pink. He quickly turned away. "Benny~" I purred and tackled him into a hug. He was in a sitting position so I ended up in his lap. I hugged his waist.

"I can't look at you anymore, not after the incident." He mumbled. "So we're calling it 'the incident' now?" I asked. BEN's face flushed with embarrassment. I chuckled and sat up, my hands still around his waist. "Look at me. I know you want to. We won't talk about what happened last night, okay? It's our little secret." I smiled and put my index over my mouth before cupping his face, making him face me before giving him an eskimo kiss. He let out a giggle at my move.

"Okay. It's our secret." He replied. I nodded.



I was being summoned. I watched as the boy typed away on Cleverbot before playing the song of unhealing. I got out of his computer screen and once the song was over, I whispered "You shouldn't have done that."

He turned around. "Hello BEN drowned. Before you kill me, I have something I want to say." He told me. I was intrigued by him because he didn't scream like most people did. I stayed silent and waited for him to continue.

"I want you to become my sister's boyfriend."

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"My sister has been lonely all her life. She loves you, a lot. Please, just go into illusion form, go to our school and date her. I only want her to be happy." He begged. I already have fangirls? Wow. I swiftly killed the family and went back to the mansion. "You won't believe what happened." I started to explain to Marshmallow what my conversation was with the boy. "Oh wow. Willing to summon a killer for his sister. That's loving siblings right there." He said.

Marshmallow hummed. I sighed as I felt him draw circles on my back. We were in his room, laying on his bed and I was on his chest. "Why do you like me?" I asked lowly. "There's many reasons. You're funny, sweet, fun to be around, full of surprises, energetic, not to mention the cutest thing alive." He replied sweetly. My breath hitched as I felt something warm go down my face. I buried my face in his shoulder. He rubbed my back.

"You're too good for me!" I sobbed. He chuckled. He lifted my face up and made me face him softly. "BEN, I love you." He told me. More tears ran down my face. "Can I... Kiss you?" I asked. His face lit up and he nodded. I didn't hesitate. It was warm, loving and passionate. "I love you too." I replied.

We cuddled until we fell asleep in each others arms.


A knock was heard on the door. "Go away." (Y/N) grumbled. I was still laying on top of his chest. I groaned and lifted my head. "It's breakfast time." I heard Jeff say. I let out a breath and laid my head back on (y/n)'s chest. One of his hands made it to my hair and he began playing with it.

I felt myself slowly fading out of consciousness when Jeff bursted the door open. "Get up." Jeff growled. I groaned loudly and tried to get up. (Y/N) pulled me back down. "Fuck off I'm sleeping." (Y/N) replied. I opened my eyes and watched Jeff growl and pull (y/n)'s hair back harshly. "Get up and eat." Jeff demanded.

If Jeff wasn't Jeff, he'd probably be dead for doing that. (Y/N) groaned and Jeff let go. (Y/N) rubbed his eyes and I got up. Jeff left the room and soon (y/n) sat up. "Good morning." He said softly kissing my forehead. I slightly blushed at the move. "Good morning." I replied back.

We went down into breakfast and ate. (Y/N) isn't a morning person. His eyes were closed as well ate. He looked like he would fall back asleep any moment. It was cute.


??? POV

So they've been training four teenagers? What a waist of time. "Stripes. I want you to find more information about these new creepypastas." I ordered. "Yes Lord Zalgo." She bowed before turning around. "Oh, and if you can..." She turned around as she heard me speak. "Kill one."

She nodded and left. I knew she wouldn't fail me.

Your POV

BEN and I were walking through the forest because we were bored. Rustling was heard from a bush. I shrugged. Animals. BEN was way ahead of me, rambling on about random things. Suddenly pain struck through me. I looked down. A black spear poked through my chest. "B-BEN... Run!" I yelled, now wobbling. The person took the spear out of me and ran off. BEN looked back at me as I fell. Everything was blurry and I felt someone gently grab my face, pull me into their lap and stroke my hair. "Stay with me. Don't leave me (y/n)," They repeated. "It's gonna be okay. You're gonna be fine." They said in a whisper. BEN... That's... BEN.

Everything went black.

BEN POV (sorry for switching a lot)

(Y/N) closed his eyes. "No no no. You gotta stay awake. Don't die (y/n)... Please... I need you." I sobbed. I put my head on his chest.


I sobbed harder and harder. I couldn't make words. I stroked his head as my red tears fell onto his face.

All of the sudden I heard a sizzling sound. H-Huh?

I looked at the hole. Black was at the edges of the hole. It was making the sizzling sound. I watched it. It started to close up. I looked at (y/n) and back at the wound.

I watched as the hole closed up. (Y/N) snapped his eyes open and panted heavily. "(Y/N)!" I yelled, tearing up again. "BEN. BEN!" He started crying, still breathing roughly. I connected our foreheads as we sat there crying.

"It hurt BEN... It hurt." He breathed. I stayed silent as I continued to sob.

"Don't ever leave me again."


School just started. (Kill me)

So uhh updates might be a small bit later than what I usually do. No worries though, I'll still have the same schedule.

Also if y'all got any ideas for this story please don't keep them hidden from me because I'm struggling with ideas but I don't want to keep this book on hold.

My Little Gamer | BEN drowned x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now