Chapter 30

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I got out of the mansion and into the forest. He has to be here somewhere.


Your POV

I'm walking around the courtyard, looking for something to do. Suddenly... I get this weird feeling.

Something doesn't feel right.

Misaki POV

I hear the bushes moving. (Y/N)? I get closer to the bush,

But it's not him.

A creature with only skin, sharp teeth, and bug-like eyes come out. I step back. This isn't (y/n). I'm in danger. This is... What did (y/n) say...?

The rake.

I back away as it makes weird noises. I need to run. I start running but it claws my leg. I fall to the ground and look at it. From my knee down was a giant cut. It hurts so much. I'm going to die.

I try to get up, but I can't. I fall to the ground, crying hard. I'm scared. I'm going to die. I want (y/n). Please help me, (y/n). Save me.

I hear noises. Like cracking. Then screaming. I'm put in someone's lap, but I can't see who it is. "Misaki, Misaki! Don't go! Don't go to sleep! I'm going to get you help!" They cried, but I was more worried about how cold it is. Their warm tears fell on my face, but I just wanted to go to sleep.

I feel like I'm being carried, and something is wrapped around my big cut. I look up, but it's blurry, and it keeps getting darker. I'm so tired, but I'm not supposed to go to sleep. Can't I just rest my eyes a little bit? Yeah, I'll just take a nap.

Your POV

I burst through the mansion doors. Misaki. Please be okay. Dr. Smiley takes Misaki from my arms and goes to the infirmary. Please be okay. Please be okay.


I've been pacing around for a few minutes before Dr. Smiley comes out. "I'm... So sorry." He says quietly.

No. No. No. No. No. No.

This isn't real. I run in and look at Misaki. He was still and cold. I shake my head. I gently put my head on his fragile chest.


His chest never softly rose and fell, there was never a beat where his heart was. It was as quiet as a blank room. I burst into tears, screaming Misaki's name. "This is fake, you can't be dead. You haven't even grown up yet!" I sobbed. He was only seven. He had so much ahead of him. I touch foreheads with Misaki's cold one. "I'll find a way to get you back Misaki." I said, choking.

"You can't bring back the dead." Dr. Smiley told me, rubbing my back. "Yes, I can! I'll figure it out!" I sobbed.

I gently ran my fingers over his stitches.

This was done by the Rake. I'll make sure to make him suffer.

I wouldn't allow anyone to take Misaki from me. I laid him in a glass case that stood him up like a doll. I had cleaned him up before putting him in the case, so he was nice a pretty when he came back to my world. There's got to be a way to bring you back, and I'll find that way. I'll never give up, Misaki.

I promise.

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