~Chapter 15~

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Masky ended up explaining because Hoodie was too shy to say anything but "I'm gonna s-show you how to c-clean up your crime scene."

Your POV

We've been training for months now. We've improved so much. Jeff and I were ordered to patrol the southern side and the western side of the forest while the proxies were ordered to patrol the northern and the eastern sides.

I heard rustling in a bush. I stared at it intensely, waiting for something to come out. A red paw. What? A huge red wolf came out the bushes. I needed time to process what I'm seeing. Wait...


I bent down and held my hand out. The wolf nuzzled into my hand. "Hazuki?" I whispered. Red smoke suddenly appeared everywhere, making me cough. When the smoke cleared, there stood a tan girl with slightly curly red hair and orange at the tips. Her hair went to her waist as she wore a black hat backwards on her head. She had a navy blue shirt, black pants and a white hoodie around her waist. I stood up, my jaw dropped. "No way." I said to myself.

"Did you miss me freckle face?" She smirked. I tackled her into a hug. "Hazuki!" I said happily. Who is Hazuki you wonder? (Lol forth wall break) Hazuki is my cousin, although we look nothing close to related, since she's a okami (wolf person) and I'm a demon. It doesn't matter to us.

"Man, I haven't seen you in forever torch head!" I smiled. I was so happy to see her! The last time I saw her was when she moved away when we were 8. We made contact through the phone but eventually stopped. We hugged tightly for a few more minutes. "Man, you've gotten taller." She said. "I remember when you were taller than me." I chuckled.

"I heard you've been killing people, am I correct? I saw that you went missing and the news said someone named "Devil". I immediately knew it was you." She said. "Yeah, that's me." I replied before pulling away from her. "Let me finish up my rounds and then we'll catch up, ok?" I told her, she nodded.


My rounds were finished. I didn't return to the mansion, I stayed and talked with Hazuki. "So, how has life been? I want to know every detail." She said, gently swaying her fluffy tail. Hazuki was very attractive, yes, most guys usually flirted with her. The truth was she was asexual, so whenever guys asked her out, I'd laugh. I explained some of my adventures to her and then it was her turn to explain.

"I met a lot of new people, they're really fun to hang around with. Once I was in a building that was getting robbed. I wanted to go home and eat my doritos, but they were keeping everyone in the store inside. They even had the nerve to threaten to shoot us!" She tsked before continuing. "I got right up and punched the guy in the face. Then I took his gun and aimed it at his head. I said, "Get out of this store right now or I won't hesitate to shoot you." I then aimed it at his friend and told him to drop the gun. Once they dropped the gun they ran out the store. It was awesome!" She said. I nodded.

"You will not believe what happened to me." I started. I explained what happened when I went into these woods and the Rake chased me. "Dude! That's sick!" She said. We went along telling our stories and such.

I phone started ringing. I was BEN. He came out my phone and sat floated above me. "What are you doing out here? You were supposed to come back to the mansion." BEN huffed. I pulled him in my lap and hugged him. "Aww, was Benny getting worried about me?" I said teasingly. He grunted.

"(Y/N)~ I didn't know you swung that way~" Hazuki wiggled her eyebrows. "Yeah right torch head. He's just my friend." I responded. She gave me a 'really?' look. BEN shuffled around and looked at Hazuki. "Who is that?" He asked.

"Hazuki. You are..." She trailed off waiting for a response. "BEN, BEN drowned." He replied. "Well, nice to meet cha BEN! I'm (y/n)'s favorite cousin in the whole world." She smiled. BEN looked at me before looking back at her. "Nice to meet you too." He replied and laid down in my chest.

"So how's Jeff and Liu?" She asked. We went on and on, talking like there was no tomorrow. Hazuki's left ear twitched and I immediately knew to stay quiet. Since Hazuki was part wolf, she had really good hearing. She got up and slowly walked around. I waited.

Hazuki POV

What was that noise? It sounded like footsteps. I got up away from (y/n), I knew he could protect himself. He's a strong boy. I listened for the footsteps again, quietly getting on all fours so wouldn't be noticed. "Seriously, where did they go? First (y/n) disappears, then BEN." The person scoffed. He sounded like a disapproved parent. Once he came into view, I tackled him.

I growled at the person as I pinned them to the ground. I heard footsteps behind me, glancing back, I noticed a person with a frown face. "Hazuki?" I heard (y/n) say. He came into view. "Oh! They're friends," He told me. I got off if the white masked man and walked over to (y/n) and BEN.

"This is Masky," he pointed to the male I pinned down. "And that's Hoodie." He told me. "(Y/N)? Who is this?" Masky asked. "This is Hazuki." (Y/N) responded. I slightly waved. BEN was on (y/n)'s back.

Your POV

After introducing Masky and Hoodie to Hazuki, we started heading back to the mansion. "Bye freckle face! See you tomorrow!" Hazuki smiled before running off. "Well she was nice." BEN smiled. I hummed. Jeff and Liu are going to flip when I tell them who's in town.

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