~Chapter 13~

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"Hey, let's make your name known." Jeff smirked. I nodded and we ran into the neighborhood.

This chapter is just character development, nothing special. I apologize.

Your POV

"So how are we doing this?" I asked as we quietly ran down the sidewalk. "Make a mark. Mine is a carved smile." He said. "What about carved horns on their foreheads?" I asked. He nodded.

We searched for a family of four so we could have an event amount of kills. We quickly killed them. Jeff carved a smile in the husband and daughter, while I carved devil horns on the Mother and brother. We dipped our fingers in their blood and wrote on the living room wall:

ᒍEᖴᖴ TᕼE KIᒪᒪEᖇ

We gave one another a high five and left as we heard sirens. "Now to wait for it on the news." I smirked as we ran faster into the forest.

We smelt of iron, dirt and sweat. We smelt really nasty. As soon as we got back to the mansion we took showers.

I flopped down on BEN'S bed. "Hey Marshmallow. How did it go?" He asked. "Good. Jeff and I ended up killing a family and writing our names on the wall. It was super fun." I replied, stretching. "What would you do if I fell asleep on your bed?" I asked, laying down on his bed. "Lay in yours." He responded.

"Aw, you wouldn't cuddle with me?" I fake pouted, watching his elf ears go a little pink. "Of course not." I huffed at his reply before I rolled my eyes. Oh, I got an idea.

I snuck behind BEN and tickled his sides for a second before stopping. He had gave out a yelp. I did it again, but this time didn't stop. He began laughing and quickly paused his game. "Stop!" He laughed.

I tickled his neck, sides, anywhere I could get to. He laughed so hard his eyes watered. "S-Stop i-I-IIt!" He laughed. Once I did he panted heavily. He caught his breath and I did it again. "(Y/N) n-no!" He started to laugh again.

I smiled widely. BEN was laughing very loudly at this point. He was begging for me to stop. He tried hitting my face, but was too weak from the laughing. He was laying on the floor. I was already hovering over him, so I grabbed his leg and pulled off his boot, tickling everyone's most sensitive spot, the foot.

His laughs got harder and harder, tears were streaming down his face. "N-No! Not t-THerE!" He laughed. I was holding him down so he couldn't scramble away. He had his hands in fists as he tried to squirm. I eventually stopped and he gasped for breath.

He wiped the tears off his face, well, the ones that would come off anyway. His breathing returned to normal. We smiled at one another for what seemed like forever until we finally hugged. It was warm and loving. "I missed you a lot." BEN said, his voice slightly muffled. "I missed you too." I replied. BEN was truly my best friend.

×××Next day×××

"A new killer seems to have joined Jeff. He goes by the name of Devil. We currently have no pictures of him. This mysterious new murderer and Jeff the killer appear to have teamed up. Police are currently looking more into the situation." The news lady reported. Jeff and I fist-bumped. BEN came behind the couch and rested his chin in my hair. He laid his arms on my shoulders, holding his hands together. "Mm... Devil huh?" He said. I hummed.

BEN floated upside down in front of me. "So what are you gonna now Mr. Famous?" He asked. I shrugged and turned him upside before pulling him in my lap. His legs were across mine and his head rested on my left shoulder. He made himself comfortable as he started playing games on his phone.

I continued to watch the TV with Jeff. He flipped through the channels looking for something interesting. EJ came in and sat in his chair. "I have a question," he began, looking at me. I nodded and looked at him. "Are you two dating or something?" He asked. BEN sighed. "We're not dating EJ, just friends." BEN replied and I nodded. EJ shrugged and looked like he had begun dozing off.

BEN looked bored and didn't mind he was snuggled up in my lap. "What are you playing?" I asked him. "Crossy road." He replied. I hummed. "Do that again," BEN suddenly said. I looked at him confused. "Hum." He replied to my face expression. I started humming and BEN put his head back on my shoulder. Jeff glanced at me.

I continued to hum and I felt BEN slowly go limp in my arms. Jeff was struggling to stay awake. After a few minutes they were both asleep. It think it looks funny when Jeff is asleep because it doesn't look like he slowly loses consciousness, it looks like he faints. (like a boss lolol)

Jeff's eyes rolled to the back of his head as he slightly snored. Meanwhile BEN was breathing gently, the phone and his hand rested on my chest.

"Ooo! Are we having a slumber party?" LJ giggled looking at EJ, Jeff and BEN. "Why is everyone sleeping?" Masky asked. Ethan slowly looked at Masky before giving off a devilish smile. He then looked at me. "I exposed myself like you said." He told me. I gave a slight nod.

Masky put a hand to his head. He soon went the kitchen, Hoodie trailing behind him. I stood up, now carrying BEN bridal style. I walked up the stairs and to his room. I gently laid him down on his bed. I went downstairs and picked up Jeff. I slightly groaned at how heavy he was. It was terrible to walk up the stairs with him.

I walked around his room until I found what I was looking for. I put the blindfold over his eyes before leaving the room.

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