~Chapter 4~

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People glanced at me but I didn't pay much mind to it. "Uhm... (Y/N)? Why are people staring at us?" Ben whispered uncomfortable. "'Cause people don't like me." I whispered back. He looked down fiddling with his fingers.

"Look at that cutie~ What are they doing by that freak?" Someone said walking up to us. I proceeded to walk. "Hey, you," the guy said pointing to Ben. He flinched and looked up. "Why don't you come with me and not this loser?" He smirked.

Ben shuffled a little closer to me. "No thanks." He said trying to sound confident, but the guy only came forward and told me to move. "Back off." I said as Ben glared at the person. I could tell Ben was frightened, he just didn't want to show it. The kid's got guts. The dude growled. "You wanna start a fight?" They said. I glanced over at Ethan.

I literally walked past him, keeping Ben close to me. "Hey! Where do you think you're going?" The guy yelled. I turned around and flipped him off. "Fuck off. I don't have time for wannabes like you." I said. He started yelling and I just casually walked away. I walked with Ben to our next class.


We went to lunch. Ben sat with me and soon after Jeff came. "You won't believe what happened." I scoffed. I then told him about the comments in class. Jeff gave a look of pure disgust.

After talking and having fun, Kenshi and her group of girls came over to our table. "Hey (y/n)!" Kenshi said. I rolled my eyes. "Yes? What do you want?" I asked. She blushed and looked down. "W-Well, I just wanted to say that y-you look really good today!" She stuttered. I glanced my Jeff and Ben. They didn't buy the act either. "Thanks. Now bye." I said waving them off.

After they left we all groaned. "She's such a hoe." Jeff sneered. "Thot." Snickered Ben. "Prostitute." I chimed in.


It was finally time for school to end and Ben, Jeff and me ran out of school. We ran down the sidewalk but soon began walking. "Hey, do you guys feel that?" I asked. Ben shivered a little. "It feels like we're being watched." He says as Jeff and me nod in agreement.

We began running to Jeff's house. "Guys, wait." Ben panted out of breath. I grumbled and went back to him, turned around and lifted him on my back. He slightly yelped but didn't argue over it. He gently wrapped his arms around my neck.

We enter Jeff's house. It was just the way we left it. Ben had nuzzles his head in my neck a few minutes ago and now I'm sure he's asleep. I laid him on the couch gently. I began to take off his shoes as I told Jeff "I still can't believe what those people said about Ben. I mean, yeah, I guess he kinda looks feminine, but still." I sighed as I shook my head. Jeff frowned deeply.

"Marshmallow, people at our school are sick, they all need to die in a hole somewhere." Jeff crossed his arms. Marshmallow, a nickname he and Liu were only allowed to call me. I sighed and nodded in agreement as I looked at the small blonde asleep peacefully on the couch.

Jeff sat on the couch beside Ben as he pulled out the remote to watch T.V. I went into the kitchen to cook. After about 20 minutes everything was finished. I walked into the living room. "Dinner's ready, Jeffy." I said. He went to the dinning room. I gently shook Ben. "Ben, come eat dinner." I said. He rubbed his right eye as he slightly groaned. "Huh?" He asked sleepily. "Hey," I ssaud softly as I hovered above the blonde. "Your dinner is ready, come eat before it gets cold." I said before walking to the dinning room.

Jeff was once again, devouring his food. Ben and I sat down and ate. After, we played video games, watched T.V., talked and just did random things to make one another laugh. "You guys are the best friends I've ever had." Ben says smiling as he looks down. "Why do you say that?" Jeff asks and I nod.

"Well, I've never really had friends, just bullies. You guys are really nice and protect me even if it isn't necessary." He says fiddling with his thumbs. Jeff and I look at one another, our eyes wide. I tsk. "Yeah whatever." I mumble. "You're so sappy." Jeff mumbles.

Ben chuckles. "Sorry." I give a small smile, something that occurs every blue moon. "If it makes you feel even more special, I've only smiled at you, Jeff, Liu and Ethan. My parents never paid attention to me when I was little, therefore I never smiled at them." I say. He smiles. "Now stop being so silly. Making us feel so loved like that." Jeff mumbles.

We all began talking again. Ben's phone buzzed. He checked it and soon after he groaned. "What?" Jeff asked. "Tomorrow is our last day here and after we have to go home right?" He asked in which Jeff nodded to. "Well, in about two days, Friday, I have to go to the pond with my dad." He groaned and fell back, resting his head on the floor.

"Eh? Why?" I asked confused. He laid his arm over his eyes. "Because apparently I "play too many videos games and don't get out enough"." He sighed deeply. "Ah, yikes, I got detention. I beat up these two kids." I said. "I have this dumb birthday party to go to." Jeff let out a deep breath before we all groaned. "This sucks!" We yell at the same time. For some reason we're always in sync.

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