~Chapter 19~

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"Don't ever leave me again."

Your POV

After the mysterious incident of me dying, BEN and I immediately reported it to Slender. "Zalgo..." Slendy had said. Zalgo? Oh... God...

I went to my room to calm down. I shouldn't have done that.

Immediately I was knocked out. My dad was summoning me in my dreams.

Fire surrounded me as I walked through hell.

My demon form was out and there was no controlling it. I walked through the flames, following the dark red carpet.

"(Y/N)." My father growled. I stopped and looked at the person sitting in the throne. I put my hand on my hip as my tail swished around.

"Satan." I scoffed back.

"You have grown soft boy. Taking orders from someone other than me, falling in love." He shook his head in disappointment. I growled. "Touch BEN and I'll kill you myself."

He laughed. "You'll do as I say (y/n). Have you forgotten your maker already? Leave that place and serve someone worthy. Like... My cousin Zalgo. Wouldn't you fit him better?" He asked.

"I don't get in touch with Zalgo. Now that you mention it, I'm sure one of his minions were the culprit of stabbing me in the chest." I responded. "You displease me boy. Truly unworthy of becoming the next king of hell." He scoffed.

"Think of me any way you want, I don't care. I go by my rules and you'll do nothing to change that. Now if you excuse me, I have a boyfriend to get back to." I flipped him off before teleporting back into consciousness.

BEN was hovering over me, one ear up and the other down as his head tilted. He had a confused expression on his face. "Well hello~" I smirked. He rolled his eyes. "You're such a heavy sleeper. I was shaking you so hard but you never woke up." BEN said before plopping down onto me. "Oof." I grunted at the sudden movement.

Then I noticed he had on one of my hoodies. "You little thief," I said in a playful tone. "You stole my hoodie again? Thief's gotta be punished." I smirked. His eyes widened and he tried to scramble away. I grabbed him and pinned him to the bed. I tickled him to no end.

"AH! Nooooooooo!" He laughed as I tickled him. He squirmed around but wasn't able to escape me. He laughed harder and harder, trying to kick me away. I knew my father was watching, that's what made this even funner. "You fool. He will make you weak." I heard his voice say in my head. I ignored it and continued until I was satisfied.

"I hate that I'm ticklish!" BEN groaned, crossing his arms. "Really? I find it cute." I smiled. BEN blushed but still kept his grumpy face on.

×××A few weeks later×××

BEN did what he usually did on his computer. Hacking or whatever. I want cuddles.

I swished my tail back and forth. "Beep beep beep beep," I repeated. BEN ignored me. I pouted and poked his cheek. "Benny, my cuddle power is low. Heal me up." I whined.

"You're such a dork." BEN laughed setting his laptop to the side and pulling my head to his chest. I put my demon form away because man, it's annoying to lay down with horns. BEN stroked my hair as vibrations came from my throat. Without realizing it, I had fallen asleep, still purring.

"Wouldn't you like to get your wings?" My father asked. When I become the king of hell, I earn my wings. I hummed in satisfaction, imagining what color and how big my wings would be. "If you want them, you will stop being affectionate and you will stay here to train." He said. I grunted. "Father. . . BEN is my queen. I will stay by my queen until I die and that is final," I responded. "Actually... Great idea father! I'm gonna take my queen on a date!" I said everything though he never said anything. He looked at me like I was stupid.

"What? Wait, no. (Y/N), you will stay here and become the next successor!" He boomed. "Mmhmm, yeah ok. I don't want to be the next successor right now. But I do want to take my queen on a date so, ta ta!" I waved and snapped my fingers, fluttering my eyes open to be met with bright red ones.

BEN had a pouty look on his face. He squished my cheeks, slightly making my face hurt. "(Y/N)," he whined, dragging my name out. "Why are you such a heavy sleeper?" He whined. He stopped before squishing my face again. He giggled and mumbled a "cute".

"No, I'm not cute. You're the cute one." I muffled back. He slightly groaned. "I'm not cute."

"Yes you are. The most adorable person in the world." I reply. He blushed and glanced away.

I hopped up. "Oh yeah!" I smiled. "You, my queen, will be taken out on a date by yours truly." I bow and look up with a goofy smile on my face. BEN was blushing madly.

Awahh~ He's so cute~

"We will be going to-" "Everyone come to the living room." Slendy had cut me off unintentionally. I froze.

Seriously? I let my arms go limp as I look to the ground

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Seriously? I let my arms go limp as I look to the ground. "Why do you hate me Slendy..." I mumbled. BEN patted my head. "Let's go, you can tell me later. Kay?" He asked smiling. I nodded and followed him as we walked out the room and down the stairs.

We waited a few more seconds for everyone else to come. I eyed Slendy. What could he want? Wait a minute, who's that behind him?

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