~Chapter 5~

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My three-day sleepover with Jeff and (y/n) was over. It was now Friday and I was playing Majora's mask. I was getting really far into the game. "Ben. It's time to go." I heard my dad say. "Dad please please please let me finish! I'm almost done!" I beg but he turns off the game. Just like that, all my progress was gone. "Now." He said before walking out if my room. I groaned and slipped on my shoes before going outside to the car.

He began driving and I heard shuffling in the back of the car. I decided to question it but Dad only shook his head and said, "Not now Benjamin, I'm driving." I just shrugged it off and looked out the window until we made it.

Dad went to the back of the car and opened the trunk. A lot of shuffling was heard and I started to get anxious. "D-Dad? What are you doing?" I asked. He ran over to me and out his hand over my mouth. "You better shut your god damn mouth you little twat, if I hear a single word slip out your mouth one more god damn time-" he said harshly. I felt a tear run down my face as I began shaking. "You like games right Ben? Would you like to play MY game?" He asked. I kicked him in attempt to get away. "GAH! YOU LITTLE SHIT! YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT!" He yelled at me, grabbing my wrist and forcing me down to the small lake

"Do you Ben? Do you wanna play a game?" He asked me but all I did was cry. We were at the edge of the dock now. "You're going to stay still now you little piece of shit." He told me connecting a chain to my right wrist which connected to cement. He chained me up more and more. I could smell the alcohol in his breath as he connected everything. "(Y/N)... Please help me..." I pleaded in my head. I knew this was going to be my death.

I continued to plead in my head as I cried harder. Suddenly I heard "Goodbye, Ben." and I was pushed off the dock. I began sinking to the bottom as I screamed. "(Y/N)! Jeff! Please help me!" I cried knowing they wouldn't come. No one was there to help as I felt water enter my lungs. It burned as I continued to scream.

As I felt myself dying, I let my tears flow. That's when it I felt cold and everything was dark.

3rd person POV

After John (Ben's father) had pushed Ben off. He sat at the edge of the dock, thinking about a fake story on how his son died. It was about 20 minutes before he got up and left. He made fake tears as he walked inside his house. "Honey? Where's Ben?" His wife, Maria asked him anxiously. That's when he told his fake story. Maria cried as they went to (y/n)'s house. They wanted to tell (y/n) because that was his first friend. They made it to you house and after (m/n) let them inside, she called you down.

You walked down the stairs to see John and Maria both crying on the couch. "What's going on?" You asked confused. "Ben... D-Drowned at the lake." Maria sobbed. Your eyes widen as tears dare to fall down you face. "How?" You asked. "Ben had went into the lake first. I went to put on my swim suit. By the time I came back Ben was no where in sight! I looked everywhere, but I couldn't find him." John sobbed. You felt your heart shatter. You didn't know why you were so connected to Ben, but you were.

You ran to your room and slammed to door. Ethan drew circles on your back. You picked up your phone and called Jeff. "(Y/N)? What's wrong?" Jeff asked. "Ben... Drowned at the lake." You said lowly, attempting to sound ok. You felt so empty, even if you had only spent time with him for a week and a day. Jeff fell silent on the other line. He soon hung up, no doubt he shed a few tears.

It had been a month since he died. You were slightly a wreak. Not to mention Jeff soon after had to go to the hospital. You came to visit Jeff daily after he had been burned by Keith. Lui came back soon after and visited Jeff with you. You had dark bags under your eyes and a deep frown.

It was now lunch time at school. You beat Keith's ass, and I mean beat. He was all bruised and bloody. He couldn't move because you broke some of his bones. You didn't like people, but if someone hurts your friend, you gave hell.

Liu gave you a smile when you returned. You were both hoping Jeff would get better.

And oh how you hoped.

And somehow your answers were answered.

When you and Lui went to the hospital, Jeff was able to take off his bandages. His mother screamed and left the room, her husband following behind her. "How... Do I look?" Jeff asked touching his face. His skin had been bleached white, his hair had turned black and his crystal blue eyes had turned brown. I gave a thumbs up as Lui said "You look... good." We both tried our hardest not to scream or gag at the sight before us. He didn't look like the Jeff we knew. I didn't like it one bit.

We all went home happy that Jeff survived.

Until I heard a scream.

Then a police siren.

I bolted out of my house to see police and ambulance surrounding Jeff's house. My heart sank as I ran over. "What happened?!" I asked as I watched Liu get into the back of an ambulance.

"There's been a murder of the Woods family."

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