~Chapter 25~

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I want out.

3rd person POV

(Y/N) had finally fallen asleep after his long tries to escape. He was curled up in a ball like a cat.

BEN was bored. He usually had his childish new king cuddling with him and distracting him from his games, but today wasn't the case. He sighed, bored from not getting attention like he usually got. "Maybe I've become spoiled," BEN said in his mind, grumbling a bit at the thought. Had (y/n) made him spoiled? Maybe it was good to be away from him for a bit.

BEN pressed on the controller lazily like a sleep-deprived teenager trying to get the last words of his essay in. He wasn't in the mood to play games. BEN got up and stretched. Hmm... Maybe a walk? That sounds good. BEN nodded to himself, opening his door and making his way out the mansion.

(Y/N) had told him the Rake wouldn't hurt him, so he felt safe. He hummed to himself, deep down wanting for (y/n) to be holding his hand while they walk together. "Maybe I am spoiled." BEN said in thoughts, slightly frowning.

He suddenly heard a chuckle. "My my, aren't you cute." the voice chuckled. Their deep and smooth voice echoing throughout the forest, leaving BEN clueless on where this person was. BEN quickly looked behind him, his face hardening as he got into a fighting stance. A few random trickles of cold sweat going down his forehead due to the sudden voice. He turned back around to meet face to face with a demon. BEN's eyes widened with surprise on how fast the demon had moved. He silently cursed at himself for letting this person get to him so easily.

 He silently cursed at himself for letting this person get to him so easily

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He squished BEN's cheeks together, making BEN's lips poke out. The demon stared at BEN's eyes. (Y/N)'s marking symbol flashed in BEN's eyes before disappearing. The demon scoffed. "Already taken? And by the new king?" He lowly growled, but soon smirked, an idea sparking through his mind. "The king is in his heat, meaning he's locked up. Come with me, sweetheart." he pressed BEN's cheeks together harder, admiring his pink plump lips he so desperately wanted to kiss.

BEN growled and sent an electrical shock through the demon. The blonde only tsked, shaking his head. "That won't work sweetie, I'm an electrical type demon."


As soon as the demon first squeezed BEN's cheeks, (y/n) snapped his eyes open, letting out a loud screech, scaring everyone in the mansion. (Y/N) was going insane. His inhuman screeching was loud and meant danger. He could tell his now marked partner was being touched, and he didn't like it one bit.

He clawed furiously at the cage while flapping his wings, trying his best to escape. After a lot of clawing, the cage surprisingly broke. The bars shattering like they were nothing but glass or plastic. He ran out on all fours, screeching like a wild animal. He flew out the window, breaking it in the process. He flew full speed, as fast as a train, following the scent of his lover.

He tackled the blonde to the ground, screeching while tearing his limbs apart with his mouth like a wolf killing it's prey. He'd respawn back in hell anyway. Once in hell, always in hell.

(Y/N) looked back at BEN before running and picking him up. He flew into the air gently. His heat was almost over. "W-Woah... AHHHH!" BEN yelled, looking down at the ground. He held onto (y/n) like he would die if he didn't.

(Y/N) landed on a tree, laying on his back and throwing BEN a small bit into the air before catching him. (Y/N) put BEN to his chest and purred, falling asleep. On the other hand, BEN was trembling. They were so high he feared they would fall. (Y/N) stroked BEN's hair, trying to calm him down. (Y/N)'s mind was still fuzzy, but he was somewhat in control.

He just wanted cuddles. It didn't matter that they were in a tree.


Fact: (Y/N) can control whether his wings appear or not.

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