~Chapter 20~

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Wait a minute, who's that behind him?

Your POV

I eyed the mysterious thing behind Slender. Who is that? What is that? Is it a person or a monster? A demon perhaps? My eyebrows furrowed as I frowned. Someone or something was behind Slendy, and I wanted to know now.

Suddenly they peaked out from behind Slendy. A child? Oh no.

My weakness.

Don't get me wrong, some are little shits, but some are sweet. I try and pay attention to the sweeter ones.

(They are wearing the second outfit)

Their hair was messily parted into black and white

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Their hair was messily parted into black and white. They had one horn and a few blue hair clips. His eyes were blue and black and he had bandages on his face. Who would dare beat up a child?

We stared at each other for what seemed like forever. His eyes slightly sparkled. "This is Misaki. Please treat him nicely." Slender introduced. "Why the fuck did you bring a-" Ethan slapped his hand over Sully's mouth to prevent him from finishing. Ethan shook his head. Misaki stood there awkwardly, occasionally looking at me. He had bandages all over his legs.

"Sully is right, why would you bring another child? We already have Sally." EJ spoke up. I've never really heard him talk before. Misaki looked to the ground. It was obvious. This child is in pain. He's not a ghost, but he was abused and it was obvious. Sally ran up to him. He was a few inches taller than her. "Hi there! I'm Sally! Do you like to play?" She asked holding onto his arm. He looked at me, saying "help me" through his facial expression.

I gave a slight motion with my hand, telling him to come over. He hesitantly, slightly ran over to me. I picked him up and set him in my lap. I gave a reassuring smile. "Hi there. My name is (y/n)." I introduced. He gave me a small smile that was barley visible. It was obvious he was still scared of me and everyone else here. I wouldn't blame him.

We slowly connected foreheads. I purred, indicating I wouldn't hurt him. When we pulled part, he buried his face into my shoulder.

I gave a smug look at how I was able to calm down the child so quickly.

I went to my room and laid him on my bed to rest. I knocked on LJ's door. I usually don't talk to him, but I need his help. "Come in." I heard and opened the slightly sticky door. The smell of candy filled my nostrils. "Hey, I need your help." I said. He nodded, gesturing for me to continue. I started to explain my plan.

BEN's gonna love this.


I apologize that it's short!

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