~Chapter 7~

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"I want my friends back."

3rd person POV

You sighed as you watched the light beam onto the trees. It soon hit your face, it stung your sore and baggy eyes. You went to the bathroom and took a shower. You wore a black shirt, blue jeans and white shoes. "(Y/N) honey, come down for breakfast." You heard your mom yell from the kitchen. You walked into the dining room and ate quietly. Soon after you waited for the bus.

The bell rung and everyone rushed out of class. "(Y/N), stay," Mr. Adams said. You stopped in your tracks and slowly looked at him. "Is everything alright with you? You have bags under your eyes, your hair is always a mess, you can never concentrate on class and your grades are dropping." He said worried. Your grades we're usually good, but now they're slipping through the roof. You grumbled. "I'm fine."

Mr. Adams shook his head. "No you're not." You growled. "I said I'm fine. Can I go now?" You asked. Before he could answer you walked out. You could hear him calling for you so you walked faster. You growled. Everyone was trying to barge into your personal life. You were even more angry because you have less time to see Lui. You hurried and instead of going home you ran straight to the hospital.

"How's he doing?" You asked the nurse. "He's doing a good job." You nodded before sitting in a chair beside Lui's hospital bed. You gently drew circles in the palm of his hand with my finger. "Hey Lui," You spoke softly. "Everyone is getting on my nerves. They keep trying to get in my personal life. A cop tried and I yelled at him, today my teacher tried and I rejected the question. Plus that annoying girl Kenshi," You grumbled. He gently moved his fingers to show he was listening. His eyes weren't open, you don't think he has the strength to. Plus most of his face was bandaged up.

"They keep asking me what's wrong. They always say my hair is a mess and I have bags under my eyes," You spoke so softly it was almost a whisper. You wanted Lui to get better and you didn't think talking loudly was the ideal way for it to happen. You perked up as an idea struck your mind. "How about I play you a song on my guitar tomorrow?" You asked. Lui gave a gently squeeze to your hand. You smiled gently before giving out a slight yawn. "Have.... You been sleeping?" Lui asked. You slightly froze before sighing. "No. I'm too worried about you." You said dully before getting some water for Lui's raspy throat.

After Lui's water he said, "If it makes you feel better, have a nap here, by me." You blinked a few times before saying "If that's what you want." You laid your head by his hand, still holding it. Your eyes got heavier and heavier. Before you knew it, visiting hours were over and a nurse had woken you up. "Bye Lui," you said gently letting go of his hand. "I'll see you tomorrow."

You felt better. It was the first 2-3 hour nap you've had in a long time. You stretched as you walked down the sidewalk. You didn't pay attention at the forest beside it. You walked in your home. The same officer you yelled at was waiting for you. You growled before running to your room and locking the door. "(Y/N), c'mon, I just wanna have a little talk." He said. "Well, it's perfectly legal for me to say NO." You snapped. "(Y/N), don't be like that. He just wants to solve a case." Your mother said. You ignored all of them.

You sat down in your chair and looked out the window as you heard their muffled conversation. "He's not doing very well right now. Didn't you see the bags under his eyes? Don't you see his change in attitude?" You heard your mom say. "We're sorry officer. Once he calms down we'll be able to get him to talk to you." Your father said. You heard footsteps. Everyone had left from in front of your door.

You went to the bathroom and pulled out your knife. You've never cut yourself before, but everything that was happening to to you head. You rolled up your sleeve. "One for Jeff," Cut. "One for Lui," Cut. "One for Ethan, he watches me suffer and tries to help." Cut.

Your arm was covered in fresh cuts and blood. You watched it bleed with your dull eyes. The three cuts didn't seem like enough, but Ethan was on the verge of tears, so you stopped. "(Y-(Y/N)... Please stop." Ethan pleaded. You looked up with your lifeless eyes and said "If I was there with them, I could've snapped Jeff back to reality." Ethan shook his head. "There was nothing you could do... Please don't do this." A tear ran down his dead face.

Your eyes widen. You hated seeing Ethan like this. "It's even my fault you're crying." You said pressing the knife against your skin. "No! Wait! Don't do it!" Ethan began crying. You immediately pulled the knife away. "E-Ethan..." You stuttered. "Please don't cry." "Then stop cutting yourself! It's not your fault Jeff went insane! It's not your fault Ben died! It's not your fault Lui's in the hospital!" Ethan sobbed harder. "B-But I could've prevented it from happen-" Ethan cut you off. "No you couldn't, you didn't know it was going to happen."

You looked down. Ethan sniffled and wiped his tears. He then washed your arm, treated it and wrapped it in bandages, he sniffled in the process, making you feel even more guilty. "I'm sorry Ethan." You hugged him tightly. He ruffled your hair. You sat in your chair and looked out the window. You weren't going to sleep and you knew it. Your eyes remained lifeless as you stared out the window.


I don't really like how this chapter turned out.

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