~Chapter 12~

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"Hey, Marshmallow."

Your POV

I immediately hugged back. I sat up, him now on my lap. His arms were wrapped around my neck as my arms were around his waist. "How are you alive?" I mumbled in a low tone. "A miracle." He whispered back.

I didn't pay any attention to anyone else. "He calmed down quick." Was all I heard before I shut everyone out. Their voices became muffles. I buried my face in his shoulder. The only voice I was listening to was BEN's. Vibrations came from my throat as I breathed. The muffles stopped, everyone was no longer talking.

3rd person POV

Everyone watched as (y/n) purred. "That's a sight to behold. (Y/N) never purrs." Jeff said lowly. They watched for a few more seconds before talking again. "So yeah, (y/n) is my first friend. It seems he missed me a lot." BEN said.

"(Y/N), I'd like for you to join us here in the mansion." Slendy said, but (y/n) didn't hear. "(Y/N)?" Slendy asked. The (h/c) haired boy didn't answer.

BEN gently tugged at (y/n)'s hair, getting the attention of the male. (Y/N) hummed, his purrs stopping. "(Y/N), would you like to join us?" Slendy repeated. "Sure. As long as Liu joins too." (Y/N) replied in a bored tone. Slendy agreed.

(Y/N) honestly didn't care that he signed up to be a murderer, all his friends were doing it, so he wouldn't be lonely. He just wanted to be with BEN.

(Y/N) pledged to himself that he wouldn't let BEN die again.


Your POV

This 'EJ' dude was supposed to show me to my room or whatever. BEN had gotten up out of my lap and went somewhere else in this maze of a place. Once I got my room, everything was already there.

I didn't ask questions, but I was impressed. Even my guitar was there. That reminded me, where is Ethan?

Suddenly my body left cold and felt as if someone was pulling something off me. Oh, Ethan was inside my body, but didn't possess me. "Sorry for using your body like that, but I couldn't hide from Slender, he's way more powerful than me." He explained. I nodded. I went down the hallways, trying to find one of the two: My friends, the living room.

I ended up finding my friends in the living room. I sat beside BEN and watched him play his games. "So, what have you been up to?" I asked him. "Nothing really, just playing games, screaming at little kids, eating chips, missing you." BEN mumbled the last part, but I heard it anyway. Everything else just showed how lazy he was. I chose to act like I didn't hear him say he missed me.

"What have you been up to?" He asked. "Helping Liu not getting caught and visiting your fake grave," I hit the back of his head and he let out an "Ow". "You could've told me you weren't dead! You jerk." I scowled.

"Sorry." He mumbled. I lightly pinched the tip of his ear. "So why do you look like a dead elf now? I mean, I'm not complaining, just wondering." I asked. He huffed. "I am not a dead elf."

"Then these aren't elf ears." I responded pinching his ear a little harder to get the point across. He lowly growled. I smirked. I'm gonna tease him more. "What's with the costume Benny? You look like Link." I smirked. "I'm not Link, and don't call me Benny." He replied, glaring at me. I could see the small bit of frustration on his face. I came close to his ear and whispered "Benny."

He growled again. I gave a small chuckle. "I'm just teasing, don't be mad." I whispered. He didn't respond, just jam the controller's buttons. I laid my arm on the back of the couch and watched him play his games.

Ethan floated behind me. "I'm gonna go mess with that Masky guy, since he was the first one I tackled." Ethan snickered. I watched him float into the kitchen, where Masky and Hoodie were talking. Ethan poked Masky's ear. Masky gave a slight shiver, but ignored it. Ethan touched Masky's neck, then his face. Masky swatted at his neck and cheek. "Are you ok?" Hoodie asked. "Yeah, but something weird is happening. It feels like a cold hand keeps touching me." He responded. Ethan snickered and I refrained myself from doing so as well.

Ethan kept touching Masky, making Masky swat as his skin. "Masky~" Ethan whispered in his ear. Masky snapped his head towards Ethan, who was giving off a smug smirk. "Maybe you should go lay down." Hoodie suggested. Masky ran his fingers through his hair. "Yeah, ok." He replied, finishing off his cheesecake before going up the stairs.

"This is going to be so much fun! Especially since that Toby boy likes to meddle him too!" Ethan clapped and he spun in the air. Jeff grunted at Ethan, eyeing him. Ethan floated over to Jeff and floated over his head. Jeff attempted to ignore Ethan. Ethan began playing he with his hair. "Oh wow, that's soft." He said amazed. Jeff rolled his eyes.

"(Y/N), Jeff." Slendy suddenly called. Jeff and I went to his office. "You two will be on patrol tonight since Masky isn't feeling quite well. While you patrol, you're free to practice your skills since you are both fairly new." He explained. We both nodded before leaving.

We walked through the forest for a little. "Have you picked a killer name? Or do you want the public to name you?" Jeff asked starting up a conversation. "Devil." I replied smirking. I thought it was a good idea.

"Oooo, nice." Jeff complimented. I nodded in agreement. After patrolling for half an hour, we decided to practice. Jeff had pinned me down multiple times, but I managed to get him a few as well. We were sweaty and dirty, but we didn't mind. "Hey, let's make your name known." Jeff smirked. I nodded and we ran into the neighborhood.

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