~Chapter 8~

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Your eyes remained lifeless as you stared out the window.

3rd person POV

Your parents had left you alone in the house. They would be gone for three weeks. Since Jeff was still out killing people, Maria, Ben's mom, was asked to look over you.

Maria was nice, but it hurt to look at her. She reminded you of Ben. You were leaving to go and see Liu.

You grabbed your skateboard and began riding down the road. Until you saw Liu running with red on his clothes. You stopped bewildered. "Liu?!" You say shocked. He grabs onto your shoulders. "(Y/N) you gotta help me," he says desperately. You examined his face. "I killed them, I killed those bitches!" Liu's voice darkened. He covered his mouth. "And there's someone in my body named Sully!" He sounded panicked. Your eyes widen. "You killed... People?" You asked shocked. Liu nodded. "Help us escape!" They said together.

You were confused, but Liu was your friend and you'd do anything for him, so you nodded quickly before grabbing your skateboard, holding his hand, and running back to your house. You both walked in quietly. Maria didn't notice and you brought him to your room. You gave him some clean clothes and he took a shower. His clothes reeked of iron. You cringe as you threw them in the washer.

Liu walked out and sat on your bed. You sat in your chair and rolled it over in front of him. "Why? Why'd you do it?" You asked. He looked down. "Sully, told me too. And before I knew it she was dead. Then I escaped." He responded. You nodded.

Ethan came through the door. "Maria thinks your talking to yourself. She's about to come in here." He told us. You nodded before looking at Liu/Sully. They went inside your closet. "(Y/N), are you okay? Who are you talking to?" She asked. You hummed in response. "No one."

"It must be a habit, since he lost his friends." She mumbled but you heard it anyway. You frowned as she left. Liu/Sully came out the closet. You sighed and took a shower. After you got out, you decided to inspect Liu's face more. You walked out the bathroom, now dressed in your pajamas. You cupped his face and inspected it. You lightly traced your fingers over his stitches with your thumbs.

Your POV

"What the hell are you doing?" Sully snapped. I rolled my eyes and continued. I brushed his bangs out the way. I sighed in relief. "Thank god," I mumbled. "You still are the same, you just have a few stitches. I'm glad you're not turning out like Jeff." I smiled. He gave me a smile as well. I gave a slight chuckle as I connected our foreheads. "I missed you ya know," I sighed plopping down onto the bed. "I think I was going insane." I chuckled. Liu then suddenly grabbed my wrist.

I looked up and he was staring at my arm. Oh shit. He began pulling my bandages. I jolted my arm back. "Heh heh, what are you doing that for?" I smiled awkwardly. He only grunted. "What happened to your arm? Why are there bandages?"

I looked over to Ethan who only huffed, crossed his arms, and looked away. "Nothing." I said smoothly. Cool, real cool. He snatched my arm. I struggled to get free. I didn't scream, Maria would come to my room. "H-Hey, let go!" I said panicking. He grunted. I gave up as he removed my bandages. Ethan glared at me.

Liu gasped and looked at me, then the cuts. "Did you do this?" He asked. "N-" Ethan cut me off. "Yes! Yes he did! I told him to stop but he didn't listen!" Ethan shot. Liu looked at me, eyeing under my eyes to be exact. He then looked back at the wounds. "Why?" He suddenly said, the older male pulling me closer to him.

"I could've stopped Jeff from going insane, from hurting you, from hurting your family, but I didn't," I said. "It's all my fault." I mumbled. Liu stiffened before hugging me tightly. "It's not your fault. We couldn't prevent these things. You'd probably get stabbed by Jeff too," He chuckled. I smiled and nuzzled into his chest. I may seem tough to other people, but to Lui, it seemed like I was a little cinnamon roll. He told me.

He backed away, my hands still on his chest as he cupped a face. "No more cutting, okay Marshmallow?" Liu smiled.

I smiled. "Okay." He ruffled my hair. "Let's go to bed now." I nodded. We laid down and snuggled close to one another. "I really missed you." I sighed in comfort. I remember when Liu and I used to cuddle like this when we were little. I heard Sully gag. "Ew. You act like your in love." Sully cringed. I chuckled. "Please don't mind Sully. I missed you too," Liu said snuggling deeper into my hair. "You're like my other brother."

My breath hitched at his statement. My heart stung as I remembered Jeff. I held onto Liu tighter. "Yeah... Let's never lose one another...


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