~Chapter 9~

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"Yeah, let's never lose one another... Okay?"

Your POV

Light softly hit my face and I opened my eyes. I actually slept. I haven't done that in a little over a month. I instantly felt tired again. I snuggled deep into Liu's chest and went back to sleep.

"Nng... Marshmallow, wake up." I hear Liu say. I lightly groan. "Nooooo." I whine snuggling deeper into his chest. He ruffles my hair and tries pushing me away. I whine again. "Fine fine, I'm up." I yawn as I rub my right eye. "Your bags are getting better." Liu smiled. I smiled sleepily. I went downstairs. Maria was making breakfast. "Make another plate." I said. She gave me a confused look. "Why?" "My friend is here." I responded. She made an 'O' with her mouth before nodding. "Don't tell my parents." I said before going back upstairs. Liu had changed into his now clean clothes. I soon changed and looked pretty decent. I had on a black T-Shirt that said "Normal people scare me" in white and blue jeans.

We ate breakfast then went back to my room. "What are we gonna do if you become wanted?" I asked Liu. "We'll just have to hide really good." He responded. I nodded before glancing away from Liu. "So... are you, uh, gonna start killing people?" I asked looking back at Liu. "I mean, it's really the only way to become wanted." I stated. "Well then I wouldn't be any better than Jeff. I killed two people already, wasn't that enough?" They said/asked. I nodded.

"We could wonder the woods for a abandoned cabin or house." Ethan suggested. I perked up and nodded. Before Liu or Sully could protest I dragged them out my room and out my house. Liu stopped at the edge of the forest. I stood tugging on his arm. Liu was stronger and much more taller then me, so it was difficult to make him go anywhere he didn't want to.

I had his arm and was pulling on it. I was on my heels, pulling as hard as I could. "Come on... Let's... go!" I struggled. Liu shook his head. I frowned and tried harder. "(Y/N)... stop. You know it's not gonna work." Liu said. I huffed before steadying myself and letting go of his arm. "Well?" I asked looking up at him. "Jeff is out there. These are the woods he ran into, remember? I don't want you getting hurt because you're my loving boyfriend and I love you so much." Liu/ Sully said. Sully said his part mockingly. I froze for a moment. Liu gave a look of disgust while blush covered his face. "It's not like that!" He said rubbing the back of his head. I laughed before grabbing his hand and trying again.

Of course it wasn't like that. Liu and I have been friends since childhood. "(Y/N), no. What did I just tell you?" Liu sounded like a disappointed parent. "What did I just tell you?" I repeated. Liu narrowed his eyes at me. "Sorry," I apologized. "We won't run into him! He went killing on the other part of town! Didn't you see the news?" I said pulling his arm again.

"So? That doesn't mean he didn't come back here!" Liu argued back. "But the killing downtown was last night! He can't get back over here that quickly!" I stated. Liu grunted. "Fine," I said pulling away and crossing my arms. "If you won't come with me, I'll go by myself." I said turning around, trying to run. Liu tried to grab the back of my shirt but I dodged before running into the woods.

"(Y/N) NO!" Liu yelled panicky. I heard him running after me. My plan is working. If I get far enough in here he might look for a cabin with me. I jumped over fallen branches and bushes. Wait...

Liu doesn't need to be in here. He might hit his face and his stitches might come undone.

I immediately stop. I swiftly turn around to meet face to face with Liu. "You shouldn't run! What if your stitches came undone because you hit your face on a branch. Or what if you fell down?" I said. Liu gave me a stern look. "I'll have you to blame." Sully said sternly. I frowned before smirking. "Look how far we are! Looks like we'll have to look for that cabin now." I said turning around again. I felt Liu grabbed my shoulders and swiftly turned me back around. He threw me onto his shoulder. "We're going home." He said sternly. I gulped. I made Liu angry. Liu is not fun when he's angry.

I gently patted his back (it was the way I was facing). I gave out an awkward chuckle. "Liuliu?" I said, using his nickname. (Pronounced like Lulu) He grunted in response. "Are you mad?" I asked. "Hmm, I don't know (y/n). My best friend- no, my boyfriend, shut up Sully! My best friend runs into the woods of where a killer wonders in attempt to find an unsafe, abandoned, bug infested cabin. He could've gotten himself killed. He could've gotten hurt." He scowled. I gave a small smile. I rub his back.

"I'm sorry," I say. "Put me down?" I ask politely. He gently set me down. I smiled. "I'm sorry." I apologized, trying not to be mad at. He sighed before grabbing my hand and beginning to walk again. I can't tell if he's mad or not. We hear a noise. A twig snap. I turn my head. Liu holds my hand tighter. "I told you, now look." Liu mumbled, eyeing everything in every direction.

"It might be an animal." I suggest. Liu/Sully growls. I'm suddenly pulled away from them, a hand over my mouth. I squirmed until my kidnapper stops. I turn to see the culprit.


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