~Chapter 33~

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I looked back down at the sleeping BEN. He's already an angel, even if he kills people.

Your POV

BEN had finally woken up again and agreed on breakfast. He went down, but I had other ideas. I laid the salt around my room, making a certain pattern. I laid my hand down at the bottom of it and mumbled the words I had memorized.

The room felt like it was spinning and I could only pay attention to the giant salt markings in front of me. I kept mumbling the words. This is what I want. I have to do it.

Finally, I had finished the spell, and the world didn't seem like it was dancing anymore. I fluttered my eyes that I had been afraid to open. There was Misaki, slightly transparent where I could see the wall behind him. I let out a deep, shaky, breath that I didn't know I was holding in. Misaki gave a big smile which I returned.

He walked over to me, cupping my face in his small, cold hands. He connected our foreheads together and closed his eyes, like saying "I missed you."

He gave a peck to my nose, sending tingles to it. I wish I could pick him up and twirl him around, but I can't. He's not powerful like Ethan, he can't touch things, and I can't touch him. I stood up and walked over to the glass case with Misaki's corpse in it. I opened it up and gently took Misaki's frail, lifeless body out. I set it on the bed, where it leaned against the wall. Misaki stared at the body, slightly looking impressed.

He then walked up to his own body and suddenly got sucked into it, like a crumb getting picked up from a vacuum cleaner. After a few moments, his body shivered, like he was cold. I placed blankets around him, making sure he was warm and waited.

And waited.

It takes time for the dead to become warm again.

Suddenly he started coughing and his eyes slowly opened. They looked hazy. I let him take a moment to breath and to feel life again. His eyes were narrow, like he would fall asleep at any moment. He gave a weak smile, still not completely warm yet. I smiled widely. It worked. It really worked.

"...(Y/N)..." He said lowly. My eyes widen. "You said my name." I said softly, my breath taken away. I gently got under the blankets with him and rocked him back and forth slowly. I didn't want to hurt him. "Misaki, I promise you that no one will ever take your life again. The Rake will never touch you again. No bad people will touch you. I will forever keep you safe." I said. He looked up at me and smiled with his weak smile and hazy, narrow eyes. He then hissed and looked down.

I pushed the covers off a little and found him gently running his fingers over his stitches. I gave a small hush. "It's ok, it's ok. How about I sing you a small song?" I asked. Misaki nodded as I placed the blankets back over us.

I began to rock us back and forth slowly again.

"You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine.
You make me happy,
When sky's are gray.
You'll never know, dear,
How much I love you,
Please don't take my sunshine away."

I continued to sing the lullaby and I felt Misaki slowly go limp in my arms. I planted a gentle kiss on his forehead. "I love you Misaki. So so much, it'd kill me if I ever lost you again." I whispered. I continued to rock us.

Suddenly BEN came in my room. "(Y/N)? Why aren't you at break-" He stopped mid-sentance and stared at me. "Wha-" He was lost for words, staring at a sleeping Misaki in my arms, wrapped around at least 10 blankets. And Misaki wasn't warming up quickly. I figured sleep was the best option, so he could gain his energy back as he warms up. I knew he would be sleeping all day for the next few days.

BEN smiled. "Do you want me to bring your breakfast in here so you can eat?" He asked, adoring the sight of Misaki. "Yes, please. Thanks, BEN." I replied. He hummed and quietly shut the door, suddenly in a really good mood. How could I blame him? Misaki was back, everyone should be happy.



(Y/N) sings "You are my Sunshine" to BEN everytime it rains.

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