~Chapter 6~

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"There's been a murder of the woods family."


I froze in disbelief. My eyes widened. "Are they ok?" I asked. "The parents are dead. The boy might make it. The youngest son's body wasn't found, we assume he was the cause of this." The officer said. "Jeffrey, what did you do..." I mumbled. I shook my head. No way. Jeff wouldn't possibly do this. It's not like him.

"You," An officer with black hair and green eyes pointed to me. "You were Jeffrey wood's closest friend. You're under suspicion until further notice." I scoffed at his words. I didn't have time to deal with that. I watched as the ambulance carrying Liu drove off.

I ran back into my house. This isn't fair. I can't be alone. I just lost Ben, now Jeff and Liu might die. I plopped on my bed and shed a few tears.

~~A few days later~~

I tossed on a gray T-shirt, some red shorts and some black shoes. I took a glimpse at the mirror. I had bags under my eyes, but that didn't matter. I ran out the door, not eating breakfast. I hopped on my skateboard and rode all the way to the hospital.

I walked in. "Yes?" A women behind the counter said. "I'm here for Liu Woods." I responded. She began clicking at her computer. "He's at room 236. It's on the second floor." She told me. I nodded and went inside the elevator.

I listened to the music. It was nice, but as soon as the elevator door opened I dashed out, looking for Liu's room.

I quickly walked into it. Liu was laying down the bed. "How is he?" I asked the nurse. "He's doing an excellent job recovering."

I sighed in relief. I sat in a chair that was beside the bed. I gently took Liu's hand. "You're gonna be ok. I don't know what has gotten into Jeffrey, but we'll figure out together." I said gently. I felt a gentle squeeze to my hand. Liu slowly opened his eyes. I smiled. "We're gonna stick together, ok?" I said gently. He slightly nodded. I held his hand as I laid my head down. "We only have each other now." I said lowly. He gently squeezed my hand again.

I stayed with Liu until visiting hours were over. "Get some rest, ok Liu?" I said brushing some of his hair out his face. He nodded before smiling. "Y-You too. D-Don't think I didn't notice t-the bags under y-your eyes." He said. I chuckled softly. His voice was raspy. The nurse gave him some water as I left.

I walked into my house. In the living room was my parents being inspected by a police officer. The same one who told me I was under suspicion.

He looked at me as I scoffed and tried to go upstairs. "(Y/N), was your name, wasn't it?" The cop asked. I rolled my eyes. "What's it to you?" I snarled before taking another step. "I just wanna ask you some questions." He said. I rushed upstairs while saying "Not interested." He followed me. "Just a few." He said. I scoffed while crossing my arms. "How about no?"

He scoffed. "I'm onto you (y/n). You're Jeffrey's closest friend. You're over there almost every day. You were planning this with him, weren't you?"

I stared at him. How dare he! I growled. "No! Since I answered your question get the hell out! Stop questioning me! Leave me alone!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I was furious. This cop wanna be is accusing me! "And don't EVER try and question or accuse me again you cop wanna be! That's why you're accusing me now, because you can't do your job! Well guess what! You can't take ME to jail to make yourself feel better!" I yelled.

He stared at me shocked. I was a panting mess. "Get. Out." Was all I said as I panted from my hype. He left thankfully. My parents scowled me for yelling at him.

Like a gave a single fuck.

I sighed as I sat down in my chair. I ran my fingers through my hair. I can't believe this. It's been three months since Ben has died. Jeff just went insane and Liu is in the hospital. If I had spent the night at Jeff's house, I could've kept him sane. Liu wouldn't be in the hospital.

My best friends are slowly leaving me. No, they've already left. I'm surprised Ethan hasn't left yet.

The bags under my eyes were getting darker, but I honestly didn't care. I just stared out the window. I ran a few fingers through my hair as I gave a slight huff.

"I want my friends back."

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