~Chapter 32~

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"I won't." He replied, and I couldn't help but kiss him again.

▪WARNING▪ Mentioned religion that might not be yours. (Christianity)

Your POV

I was in a prairie, filled with soft grass and different types of flowers. "Where... am I?" I thought to myself. I looked around softly,  resting my hands in my lap. The wind softly going through my hair. Suddenly I heard footsteps. Looking around, my eyes widened with shock.


He was walking up to me, his arms wrapped around his teddy bear. "Mi..saki." I said. He smiled a gentle smile I knew so well.  I get up off the grass and ran towards him. I picked him up and twirled him around. I connected our foreheads together as I closed my eyes, tears streaming down my cheeks.

I felt him cup my face with his small, cold hands. He wiped my tears. Suddenly, I heard my name.


I snapped my eyes open. Misaki had tears in the corners of his eyes. "You said... my name?" I asked. His smile grew as he nodded. I tossed him up in the air and caught him before spinning him around. "You said my name!" I cheered, more tears coming down my face. "God has given me the ability to speak, but only for the time I'm here." He explained. His voice was slightly high pitched, but soft and barely hearable at the same time.

God, huh? I should've known that holy bastard would allow my precious baby to talk. But why only now?

"I'm not supposed to say this, but I heard that if you summon my... Uhm... spirit? You can put me back in my body." He said. Of course! Why didn't I think of that? I nodded, showing him I understood.

"(Y/N), I love you." He said. My smile grew wider and wider. "I love you even more, my little bunny." I said, giving him a peck on the cheek.

I sit straight up, breathing in air and panting like I had been holding my breath. I looked around. I'm in my room? BEN was on the bed beside me, still sleeping peacefully. Ah, so it was just a dream. I ran my fingers through my hair before looking at the glass case which had Misaki's body in it, all nice and positioned.

BEN sat up and rubbed his eye. "(Y/N)? Are you okay?" He asked. I hummed. "It was just a dream, but I figured it out." I said, opening the curtains so the morning light would shine in my room. "Huh? Oh, that's great Marshmallow," He said tired, obviously not processing what I had just said due to still being half asleep. "Hey, come lay back down. I'm still tired." He whined.

I chuckled and picked up his hat off the floor, setting it on my desk. "Aren't you hungry?" I asked, smiling at the elf boy who kept his eyes closed. "I don't need food, I need sleep." He groaned. I gently grabbed the tips of his pointy ears and he stuck his tongue out a small bit, his eyes remaining closed. Absolutely adorable.

He grabbed the collar of my shirt, trying to pull me down. I chuckled and laid down. He flopped his head down on my chest, one on his hands slightly balled up over my chest as well. I played in his blonde, messy hair and he went back to sleep instantly.

This gave time to think about what Misaki had told me. I stared at the ceiling. All I have to do is summon his ghost and put him back in his corpse? It sounds complicated, but at the same time, simple.

He said my name, and that he loved me. I felt my heart squeeze. His voice was so cute! I wish I could hear it all the time, but I know I can't. I'll savor what he told me until I die, which is never. Like I always say, once in hell, always in hell, no matter how many times you die.

I don't even get a chance to go to heaven. I was born a demon, and I've done some pretty sinful stuff. While BEN and Misaki die again and go back to heaven, I'll be alone again, wishing I was up there with them. But I know that won't happen, how would the king of hell suddenly rise up to heaven? What a joke.

I looked back down at the sleeping BEN. He's already an angel, even if he kills people.

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