~Chapter 34~

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How could I blame him? Misaki was back, everyone should be happy.

Your POV

Everyone has been in such great moods today, except one. I noticed Jeff has been bummed out ever since breakfast. He's been quiet too, that's how I know somethings wrong. Jeff's usually loud, but not today.

"I'm telling you. Somethings wrong, Liu. Haven't you noticed?" I asked Liu as we sat on my bed. Liu shifted, lightly nodding. "I have, he's usually loud and talking about how beautiful he is, or yelling at BEN for cheating, but today he's been... quiet." Liu responded, worry coated in his voice.

Just then, Jeff creaked the door open. "Uh. Can we talk?" He asked, his carved smile somehow looking more like a frown. Liu and I nodded and Jeff sat between us. "So, whenever I go to a victim's house, they sometimes wake up and tell me that I'm ugly, or horrific," He fiddles with his thumbs, taking in shaky breaths as he stares at the floor. "Am I really ugly? I thought I was beautiful... but everyone thinks otherwise."

Liu and I give each other the same face. He's becoming self-conscious. "Jeff-" Liu starts but gets cut off by his little brother. "I remember one of their words as clear as day. He had the guts to yell 'You're ugly as fuck!' at me before I killed him." Jeff balled his hands into fists.

I hugged Jeff and so did Liu. "Listen, Jeff. You are beautiful. It doesn't matter what they think. They don't know anything. You're so beautiful, Jeff, I wish I was as beautiful as you." I told him. "You're the most beautiful person in this whole universe." Liu told him. We continued to whispers compliments and sweet nothings to Jeff until he felt better.


After that day, whenever I'd see Jeff, I'd say: 'Hey beautiful'. Seeing him smile and his eyes sparkle made me so happy. I could tell Jeff was still a little self-conscious, but I could tell he was improving bit by bit.

I plopped down onto him, my tail swaying at a medium pace. "Oof, get off, you're heavy." Jeff said. "Jeff, did I ever tell you, you were beautiful? Astonishing even? 'Cause you're really beautiful." I told him, a sigh escaping my lips at the end.

I felt a bit of weight on my back. I assumed it was Misaki. My assumptions were confirmed when Misaki put his small head on my shoulder. "You're very pretty." Misaki mouthed, nodding. Jeff's eyes light up and he hugs both of us.


Jeff POV

I walk into the quiet house, going into a bedroom. The parents. I quickly slit their throats with my knife before looking for other rooms. I hope none of them wake up and tell me I'm ugly, I don't feel like hearing that- but then again, who does? I silently grumble to myself, killing the little girl who seemed to be a toddler.

I silently open the last door, my black messy hair getting in my face. The room was messy with lots of paper on the desk with a lamp that lit a dim light and a bed in the corner of the room. Pictures of characters that looked drawn were taped to the walls. Suddenly, a puppy woke up. It was black with white on the snout and paws. He stared at me intensely, slightly quivering. Then, it's owner woke up.

The girl was tan and had black hair, her chocolate colored eyes closed as she rubbed them to get the tiredness out of them. She looked at me, a small gasp escaping her chapped lips. "Jeff... the Jeff?" She asked in a whisper. I moved my hair, revealing my face. Her eyes sparkled while her puppy quivered in the corner.

The girl slung her long, slender legs gently over the bed. She grabbed her glasses before reaching for her backpack, which had blue butterflys on it, digging through it. I stared at her curious. "So, have you already killed the rest of my family?" She asked before looking up at me, moving her messy bed hair out her face. I opened the door all the way, stepping into the room. "That's ok, because now I can live with my Nana and cousins. They're super fun. My family was mentally abusive." She told me, still rummaging through her backpack.

She pulled out a little green star plush with a golden thread that was used to hang it up. She stared at it for a few seconds before handing it to me. "Here," She said. I stared at the star. "You're a star!" It said in white. I looked back up at the girl who looked about eleven to thirteen. "It's a compliment. I know it's weird, but I think you're awesome. Oh, and beautiful. You're really beautiful." She smiled sweetly, her hands behind her back. I stuffed my knife into my hoodie pocket and stared at the star plush.

"Keep it." She told me. This stranger... called me beautiful, and gave me a gift? "Uhm... thanks." I replied. She really doesn't know what those words did to me. She hummed. "Tonight was awesome! Though Loki doesn't think so." She giggled to herself.

"I won't kill you..yet. . . We'll... meet again." I told her. She nodded, pushing her glasses up. "Don't worry, I'm a master lair! I consider myself a second Kokichi!" She mumbled the last sentence, but I still heard her. Ko..ki..chi? You know what, I don't wanna know. I gave a small wave before leaving the house.


If you know who Kokichi is, I love you.

If you don't, his name is Kokichi Ouma and comes from the game DanganronpaV3.

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