~Chapter 17~

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"BEN... I like you."

3rd person POV

BEN had mixed feelings. He didn't know how to feel. (Y/N) on the other hand, was questioning what he had just said. He loved BEN? He had to think about it for a moment.

"You... like me?" BEN asked. (Y/N) snapped out of his thoughts. Once BEN had said those words, he had made up his mind. (Y/N) nodded, looking like a puppy waiting for a treat.

"I. . . need some time to think. Let's continue to play with the bubbles." BEN said. (Y/N) looked disappointed, but didn't argue. He nodded and let go of BEN and walked over to the bubble makers.

Your POV

We continued to play with the bubbles until they ran out. We went back to the mansion. "Where have you guys been? I saw you guys run out the house." Jeff asked.

"Bubbles." I replayed. Jeff nodded.


I decided to visit my old home. BEN decided he would tag along. I opened the window to my old room only to find the room completely changed. BEN and I exchanged confused looks. The doorknob rattled and we hid.

A boy came in, closing the door behind him. "Wasn't that closed?" He whispered to himself before closing the window.

He sat on the bed and let out a deep breath. That's when I made my move and tackled him down. "Who are you?" I demanded, making sure my voice wasn't too loud. "Okiro." He replied. "Do you know who I am?" I asked. He nodded. I smirked and got off of him. "This was my old room, before I became a killer," I started as BEN came out the TV. "So, what are you doing in this room." I demanded, pointing my weapon at him.

His breath hitched. "I was adopted by your parents. They wanted another child since you disappeared. So..." He trailed off. "That would make you my brother." His voice was soft and low, a small bit higher over a whisper. It sounded like that was his normal voice. The boy had messy dark purple hair and slightly dull purpleish-blueish eyes. The bags under his eyes were slightly dark.

"How does it feel being the brother of a killer?" I asked

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"How does it feel being the brother of a killer?" I asked. "I'm... not sure. As long as you don't kill me, I think I can handle it," He responded. "So, who's that?" Okiro asked pointing to BEN.

"BEN, BEN drowned. He's my friend," I replied a small bit broken that I still had to refer to him as friend. Okiro nodded. "I think I can get along with you. You're cool." I smirked and made a fist. He got the message and fist-bumped me. He gave a soft smile.

I opened the window again and looked back at him. "If anyone ever bullies ya, you threaten them that I'll come for them. If that doesn't work, tell me. Alright?" I asked. He nodded. I went out the window and closed it before running into the forest, BEN flying beside me.


I started visiting Okiro more. He was really cool to hang out with. I was going to visit him again when I saw him being picked on. "Leave me alone! Or I'll get (y/n) to come after you!" He threatened, but his soft voice didn't make it seem like much of a threat. The three boys laughed and pushed him around. "Do you expect me to believe that? Your so called brother is a murderer. You think he would care about you?" One of them laughed. I growled.

I started walking up to them from the forest. One of them punched him in the face and I cracked. I ran up to them from behind and clawed the one who punched Okiro. The back of this neck spewed out blood and he fell to the ground.

I killed another quickly. The last one tried punching me in the face but I dodged quickly and tripped him. I stomped my foot down on his face harshly. "You're all idiots. Bullying the brother of a murderer," I laughed, showing my sharp teeth. I leaned down. "See you in hell." I said lowly before pushing his face back and clawing his neck.

I was covered in blood. I looked at Okiro, he looked horrified. "Get used to it sweets, it won't be your first time seeing blood." I told him. He slowly nodded. I walked him back to his house after cleaning up the body's and carving horns on their foreheads.

"Uhm... Thank you." he said. I nodded and ruffled his hair.

As soon as I got back I went to find BEN. It was late in the night and I was tired. BEN was looking at himself in a mirror wearing one of my hoodies. He flexed.


"Haha. I'm super strong and look super good." He flexed again. I held my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing. "Oh yeah!" He slightly yelled and tried to flex harder. Lord Satin please help me. He rolled the sleeves of the hoodie up and flexed again. "I'm so tough! Look at all these muscles~ Sorry ladies, you're all not my type." He winked in the mirror.

Oh. My. Zalgo.

"Like these guns?" He flexed again. My stomach hurt from keeping in my laughs. I was breathing heavily, trying my best to laugh silently.

"These guns are for you to stare, not to touch. Admire ladies, admire." He continued to flex a few more times in different poses while making a few comments.

I was on the floor at this point. One hand holding my stomach and the other holding my mouth. I could tell my face was red. I eventually broke and laughed out loud. He swiftly turned around, his eyes wide and face red from embarrassment.

"HAHAHAHAHA OH MY GOD!!" I laughed. His face and ears were like a tomato. I laid on the ground, laughing hard and holding my stomach. He covered his face with his hands and his ears lowered. Once I had caught my breath, I said, "That was quite some show. Is that-pffttt... Is that what you do in your spare time? 'I'm so tough, look at these guns'- pffFTT BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!" I started laughing again.

"S-Shut up!" He yelled. I breathed heavily and tried to stop laughing. The little elf ran out the room and he didn't come out for the rest of the night. He still had my hoodie when he ran out the room. Thief.


I'm such a fool! I went to get one of his hoodies because I wanted to know how it felt.

Small flashback:

I walked into the room. (Y/N) wasn't here yet. I went in his closet and pulled out a dark red hoodie. Without thinking I pulled the collar up to my nose and sniffed it. It smells just like him.

I walked to the mirror and stared at myself. "Do I like him?" I asked myself in thoughts. I shook my head. I'll think about this another time. Maybe I should do something to get my mind off of it.

Then I noticed how good I looked~

Flash back ended.

I'm such an idiot! I can't even show my face around (y/n) anymore. I'll get teased forever and ever!

My Little Gamer | BEN drowned x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now