~Chapter 16~

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Jeff and Liu are gonna flip when they see who's in town.

Your POV

I walked into Slendy's room, unsure of why I was called. "You cannot see that girl anymore. Hazuki, am I correct?" He said as I sat down. I looked at him with confusion. "Eh?" I asked.

I let the information sink in for a moment.

"EH?!" I yelled.

"How do you know about that?! The proxies?!" I yelled. "If you don't want us to kill her, stop seeing her." He ordered calmly. I stood up and slammed my hands on the desk. "Listen here you blank piece of paper, you may be the boss of this mansion and people who live here, but you can't tell me what to do other than to kill someone. I will see Hazuki as much as I please, and you can't do anything about it." I spat back. "(Y/N), do not get hostile. I simply ask of you to stop seeing this girl. If you want her alive, you'll do as I ask," He said rather calm. He leaned over the desk, having a scary aura to him. "Now listen here boy. I order you and everyone else here what I want. You do as I say weather you like it or not. If you chose to disobey me you will be punished." His voice boomed.

I growled. He was scary, sure, but I don't back down easily. "I'll do what I want, Slendy. I haven't seen that girl in so long and now she's in town. I will not follow your orders if I don't want to. Touch her or order anyone here to kill her, I dare you. You can fight me all you want, but you won't hurt Hazuki. I don't care if I'm punished." I growled back. Slendy let out a frustrated sigh. "Teens," He mumbled, slightly shaking his head. "What does this girl mean to you?" He asked. "She's my cousin. She's not interested in killing so back off. Don't even think about it you-" I stop myself from saying another name. Im pretty sure he started getting mad by the time I said "blank piece of paper".

"I wasn't. I can't deal with another one of you teenagers. Calm your nerves or you will be punished." He ordered. I tsked and began walking away. I'm still going to see Hazuki.

I walk into my room and slam the door, letting out a frustrated sigh. A cold hand touched my shoulder. "(Y/N)? What's wrong?" Ethan asked. I already knew he knew what's going on, but I explained anyway.

BEN came into the room. "Marshmallow, are you okay? You seem mad. Not to mention you slammed your door and scared me awake." BEN asked softly, rubbing his eye.

"Sorry for waking you." I apologized. He hummed and sat beside me. "It's fine, so what's wrong?" He asked in a tired tone. I explained my fight with Slendy.

Through the middle of it he rested his head on my shoulder. I stopped and looked at him. He had fallen asleep again. I gently grabbed him and laid him on my chest as I laid down. I sighed. This could keep me calm.

'It'll be so funny when he wakes up.' I thought in my head as I remembered him saying he would never cuddle with me.

I made a smug face. He'll be a tomato. On my side I wouldn't complain though, he's small and cuddly. He's like a teddy bear, or a baby resting on my chest like this.

I mentally giggled. Baby BEN. Pfft.

I'm going to tease him forever. I can already imagine when he wakes up. "Aw, is baby BEN awake? How did you sleep?" I would ask. He would be so flustered!



I ended up falling asleep on (y/n). Oops. I rubbed my eye sleepily as I yawned. I felt strong arms around me and I noticed I was on someone's chest.


I felt my face heat up and I squirmed to get out of grip. I ended up waking him up. He fluttered his eyes open. How did we even end up like this?! "Aww, is the baby BEN awake? How did my wittle baby sweep?" He asked in a gushy tone. "Nng.." A grunt escaped my lips as I looked at him. He laughed and sat up, keeping me in his grip.

"Is the baby mad?" He teased. He pecked my forehead and I froze. "W-What was that for?!" I yelled squirming. "Hm? Oh, you're just cute." He smiled. What?! I squirmed harder. "What is going on with you? You're not like this." I said squirming harder.

He hummed and kissed my cheek. "And you said you wouldn't cuddle with me. But look where we are now~" he whispered in my ear. I accidentally let out a squeak. My mouth hung open as I stared at him. He smiled smugly, now loosening his grip on me. I was frozen, blushing madly as my mouth hung open.

"Oh wow... You put Kirishima's hair to shame." He mumbled. I barely heard it.

He closed my mouth. "I was playing with you," he smiled. "But it you want more kisses-" "SHUT UP!" I yelled, cutting him off and he laughed.

Your POV

My phone buzzed so I checked it.

"Dude I got bubbles. Come to the forest and we can play."

I gasped. When did Hazuki get bubbles? It may be childish, but I love bubbles. BEN looked at me confused. Before he could ask I picked him up bridal style. "No time to explain." I responded to his questioning face.

I ran out the mansion and into the forest. After some time I found Hazuki. She had automatic bubble makers and a ton of bubble sticks.

I set BEN down and Hazuki turned on the bubble makers. BEN gave me a questioning look but I only smiled and began to pop the bubbles. H shrugged and popped the bubbles with us.


Who knows how long we've been out here. We were taking a break now, but the bubble makers were still on. BEN was looking up at all the bubbles. He looked so...


I don't know what took over me. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "BEN...

I like you."

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