~Chapter 26~

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He just wanted cuddles. It didn't matter that they were in a tree.

Your POV

You'll never guess what day it is.

Misaki's birthday! My little baby is turning seven! He was sitting on the floor, playing with his teddy bear. I picked him up by surprise and tossed him in the air a little bit. I caught him and gave him a little Eskimo kiss. I threw him in the air again before catching him. He was silently laughing.

"What would you like for your birthday, Misaki?" I asked. He put a finger on his chin, thinking. He mouthed "Birthday cake."

His parents me never gave him cake?!

"Well, of course, you're gonna have cake! But do you want anything special? Like a new toy?" I asked. He pointed to his teddy bear. "Another teddy bear?" I asked. He nodded. I twirled around. "Of course my little shortcake." I kissed his cheek.

He silently giggles and kissed my nose. His small hands were on my cheeks. "I love you." He mouthed. I smiled widely and gave him a kiss on his cheek, his other cheek, his nose, forehead, and anywhere else. I showered him with butterfly kisses. "I love you too." I smiled, happy that he's finally warmed up to me enough to say that.

He rested his head on my shoulder, drawing pictures on my chest with his finger. "Would you like to help make the cake?" I asked him. He nodded happily.

He looked up at me, yawning. He put his hands over my eyes before taking them off. "Sleepy?" I asked. He nodded and laid his head back down. "You two can take a nap, we'll get the presents." BEN told me, walking up to us. "Are you sure?" I asked. We didn't really know what Misaki wanted, other than another teddy bear, so we might buy things he wouldn't like.

"Yep! Don't worry your sweet devil head! We've got it under control!" Ethan gave a thumbs-up as he smiled. He spun around in a circle before floating to the ground, his feet making a small click, indicating he went into human form. I smiled. "Ok, I trust you guys. Have fun."

They waved before heading out. I went to my room and laid down, Misaki on my chest. He quickly fell asleep. I played with his soft fluffy hair. I can't believe his parents would abuse him, he's so sweet.

I yawn before drifting to sleep.


We walked into the huge store. The toy aisle was huge and long. Toy cars, nerf guns, puzzles, coloring books, colors, stuffed animals and more were everywhere. We could get lost in here. "Ok! Misaki said he wanted a teddy bear, so let's get that first." Ethan said.

I nodded in agreement. We scanned the stuffed animals until we found the perfect one.

It was the same size as Misaki! He's sure to love this! "Ok, what else should we get?" I asked, putting two fingers on my chin

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It was the same size as Misaki! He's sure to love this! "Ok, what else should we get?" I asked, putting two fingers on my chin. We scanned the area again. "How about a coloring book and colors? He loves to draw." I said. Ethan hummed, nodding.

We paid for the toys and went back to the mansion. "We don't have to wrap these up, right?" I asked. Ethan shrugged and we set them down on the table. I walked down the hall to (y/n)'s room. I opened the door quietly and floated in. (Y/N) and Misaki was still sleeping.

That's so cute. I need a picture.

I make sure my camera isn't on flash and snap a shot. My new background picture for my phone. They're so adorable.

I tap (y/n)'s shoulder. He doesn't budge. "(Y/N), wake up." I whisper, poking his cheek a few times. He grunts and lightly smacks my hand away. I forgot how much of a heavy sleeper he is. He opens his eyes a bit and pulls me down. "Sleep with us." He said groggily. He laid his arm out for me to lay on. "Aren't we gonna make a cake? That takes time." I stated. "We can't make the cake without Misaki. He's asleep, so until then, let's sleep too." He replied, trying to pull me down again.

I laid down on his free arm and he pulled me close. I snuggled up to him and quickly found myself drifting off.


"Are they still asleep? It's time to make the cake!" Jeff said, stomping his way to (y/n)'s room. Ethan and Liu following close behind. Jeff opened the door to see (y/n), Misaki and BEN all snuggled up together. "Aww, they look like a little family." Ethan gushed.

Jeff was confused about why they looked so much like an actual family. Jeff thought they looked like one of those perfect family's off of the TV. "You're right! Look at them all sleeping together like a family." Lui agreed, snapping a few pictures.


"Whoops," Liu said. (Y/N) and BEN groaned. "Well, it's about time." Jeff said, shaking his head. He was begging to think they actually were a family.

It wouldn't be a surprise.


Get spoiled with two chapters in one day \(-3-)/ <3

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