~Chapter 24~

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I pulled away, smiling widely. This is like a dream.

Satan POV

I can't believe that idiot forgot to alert his boss or whatever he calls him. I was already ready for the ceremony, but was (y/n)?

This place looks nasty. How does he live here? I shouldn't have worn my finest suit at this moment.

 How does he live here? I shouldn't have worn my finest suit at this moment

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I open the door. Hm.. Well it's not that bad on the inside. I saw Jeff spit out his water and look at me. I gave a look of disgust at the mix of spit and water on the floor. That boy hasn't changed on the inside, but sure has on the outside.

There was a mix of weird creatures, but non looked like the boss of this establishment. I walked up the stairs and down the hall, hearing mutters and whispers behind me. "Father? What are you doing here?" (Y/N) asked me, running up to me from the other side of the hall. "Doing business, my boy," I replied. I looked at him up and down before smirking. "Well dressed. Make sure to not get dirty, right after this we're heading to the ceremony. Now run along." I told him. He nodded before running off, stopping the people from following me.

I opened the huge doors which I assumed was the bosses office. There stood..

The enemy of my cousin Zalgo.

How dare my son step into a place like this. "Filthy place you have here, Slender." I smirked, closing the door behind me and walking up to him. "Is that all you had to say?" He replied to my remark. If he had eyes, he would've rolled them. I put my hand on the desk, leaning closer to his face, smiling, showing my sharp teeth. "My son is (y/n), Im sure you're aware. He's becoming king today so have a cage ready. He'll have a sexual desire for BEN. It'll last the whole day." I explained before leaving.


I wiped and dust or dirt I couldn't see off of (y/n).

I wiped and dust or dirt I couldn't see off of (y/n)

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Your POV

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Your POV

Father placed the crown on my head and wings spewed from my back.

Father placed the crown on my head and wings spewed from my back

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It felt amazing. I held back from flying right into the air at that moment. All the demons cheered.

"Now, my son, fly!" My father said. I spread my wings out and flew into the air. My wings were larger than me, and they were beautiful. I raised my hand into a fist and they cheered louder. Only the elders, past kings and queens had wings, so getting wings was a big thing.

Suddenly my body felt hot.

My mind is fuzzy and I can't think properly. I panted and shook my head. My hand turned black, sharp nails forming too. Suddenly, up my forearm, everything is black. It was hard and wouldn't come off. From my feet to my knees, the stuff was there too. I couldn't think enough to notice it. Everything felt hot.

I shook my head again.

My father teleported me back to the surface. I flew threw the trees, suddenly getting a whiff of BEN. I flew faster through the trees until I made it to the mansion. I bursted through the door, now on all fours. My tongue was longer than usual, past my chin. Suddenly I saw bars.

I clawed at them, the only thing running through my mind was BEN. I banged my head against the poles, like a goat. It didn't work. I was in a cage. I made inhuman noises as I clawed at it. I was teleported to Slendy's office, in the corner. I stopped and looked at my surroundings before clawing at the cage again.

Slendy sighed as he watched me. "Boys..." He mumbled, shaking his head and rubbing his forehead.

Hazuki came in with a spray bottle in her hand. No. Not the spray bottle. She sprayed me with the holy water. I hissed and back away in the corner. "Bad (y/n)!" She said, spraying it again. I let out a small inhuman screech.

I want out.


(Y/N) can't speak while his heat is happening, only make noises, no actual words. It will always happen during his first few times because he isn't used to it.

Also there's no smut or lemon because I refuse to do those (unless highly requested but it probably won't be the best).

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