~Chapter 35~

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I gave a small wave before leaving the house.

Jeff POV

I started visiting that girl. I found out her name was Chip. It suits her. It was currently night, and I was opening Chip's window. She was reading a book, her dog, Loki, in her lap asleep. She piped her head up, her raven hair that's in a ponytail, swaying a little. She pushed her glasses up, giving a wide, toothy grin. "Hi Jeff!" She smiled. Her dog, jerking up from his slumber.

Chip set her book down. "Can I play in your hair?" She asked. My face twisted into confusion at the sudden question. "What? No." I replied. Her smile turned into a pout. "Please? I'll undo it after.!" She begged. I scoffed, rolling my eyes that never blinked. "Whatever." I said and sat on the floor beside the bed. I heard her giggle behind me. "I won't do a lot, just a few tiny braids here and there. You know Hiccup? From How to Train Your Dragon? Like that." She explained. I grunted in response, showing her I understood.


I looked in the mirror. I actually didn't look bad. "Feel privileged. I never let anyone in my hair." I told her. Suddenly she grabbed my hand. "Let me paint your nails!" She whisper-yelled. "Hell no." I growled.

How did I end up getting my nails painted.

At least they didn't look bad. They were black. I stared at them. "Now we're twins!" She smiled, showing her black nails, the nail polish slightly chipped off. I nodded. She tackled me into a hug, making me fall to the floor. I grabbed her, ready to push her off. "Thanks for being my friend." She whispered in my ear. "What does that mean?" I asked, looking at her. "Well.. I don't really have friends because people say I'm weird." She replied awkwardly.

I slowly wrapped my arms around her, hugging her back. She let out and small gasp and buried her face into my shoulder.

Suddenly, clapping was heard. "Wow, so sweet." He clapped. Chip bolted up. "What are you doing here?" I asked. He gave a smile, making his razor sharp teeth visible. "What do you mean? I can't see where my best friend is going every night?" He asked, his voice coated with sweetness. I growled. He put his hands on his hips as he bent over, his smile remaining and his tail gently swaying. I got up and tackled him to the ground.

We punched and kicked one another before we were out of breath. We were both on the floor panting. I laid on his chest, listening to his fast heartbeat,and he wrapped his arms around me. "Devil... and... Jeff... rough-housing in my room? Then cuddling? This is awesome." I heard Chip whisper to herself.

(Y/N) examined my nails and hair. "Who did this? You look stylish, but no nail Polish could ever compare to your beauty." He said dramatically. I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "Chip did it." I replied. He looked at at Chip, eyeing her before smiling. We got up and (y/n) walked over to the window.

"Right, I'll let you have fun with your girlfriend. Don't stay too long!" He hummed, jumping out the window. My face tinted pink as I ran to the window. "She's not my girlfriend!" I yelled, jumping out after him. He laughed the whole way back to the mansion.

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