~Chapter 2~

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I had brought my guitar with me, just in case we needed to relax or calm down. I set it down before sitting down in a chair. Ben gave me a questioning look. "Why do you have a guitar?" He asked me eyeing the case. "It's mine. Plus I thought it would be nice if I played some songs at some point." I shrugged not thinking much about it. "So..." Ben said starting up a conversation. "How's school? Is there a lot of bullies?" He asked slightly frowning. "None other then Randy and his other goons." I mumbled angry and soon tsked after, looking to the side.

"Don't worry though, we'll protect you. I don't think you can fight on your own anyway, just look at you. You're so small." I said as Jeff chuckled and Ben huffed. "I am not small." He frowned.

We got to know one another and we became quite good friends. It started getting darker. The sky now had pretty oranges with small hints of red, pink fading along it all. "Hey (y/n)," Ben said and I hummed in response, looking up into the sky. It's so beautiful. "Can you play something?" he asked in which I nodded to. I grabbed the guitar gently and began playing.

I let the words slip off my tongue like it was second nature. It was a calming song that I enjoyed. It was gentle and smooth as I continued to play and sing. Jeff smiled and closed his eyes as he gently laid his head back. Ben looked at me with a slight bit of shock and a small bit of pink was on his cheeks.

I smiled at him before closing my eyes and letting the song take over me. Every now and then I would open my eyes to see an almost asleep Jeff and an amazed Ben who rested his head on his knees, his eyes closed as he smiled gently.


(Y/N) began playing and to my surprise, he started singing. His voice was so smooth and gentle. Jeff was sitting on his bed as he laid his head back, closed his eyes and smiled. I look back at (y/n). He looked so relaxed and happy, his voice was amazing to listen to. For some reason I found it...


I pushed the thought deep down. Whoa, no way. We're both guys, that's gay. I'm not gay. But I still felt myself blushing a little when he smiled at me while singing. His smile looked so good, he should do it more. He closed his eyes and his gentle voice continued. I wrapped my arms around my now folded legs and rested my head on my knees.

I closed my eyes and smiled at his voice, his hand moving in certain places to make the prettiest of sounds. It was all so perfect. So amazing. It felt like a dream, that for once, wasn't about being inside my favorite video games. A dream that was so different and beautiful it made me want to stay in that dream forever.

As I heard him say the last words of the song, my beautiful dream was over. And I wanted more of it.


I finish the song and rest my hand on the guitar. I panted lightly as I opened my eyes. Jeff was now completely asleep and Ben was just opening his eyes. His eyes sparkled as he smiled. "You're so good at that!" He complimented. I smiled as Ethan rested his head on my shoulder. "Yeah! His voice is so soft and soothing. It puts Jeff to sleep every time he plays." Ethan smiled.

I nodded in agreement. "But he fell asleep the wrong way and now I have to lay him down," I sighed, setting my wooden guitar down and gently picking up Jeff. I gently laid him down and covered him in his blankets. "At least he fell asleep on the bed." I mumbled. Ethan and Ben nodded.

I turned around and placed my hands on my hips. I let out a deep breath. "We should make our sleeping areas now." I said getting a blanket. I placed the giant blanket on the floor as Ben watched me. I got two smaller blankets and some pillows before placing them as well.

I sat down and patted the place beside me. "Huh?" He said confused. "Come lay down." I replied patting the spot beside me again. His cheeks slightly turned pink and he came to his spot and laid down. I felt Ethan behind me, his head nuzzled in my neck.

Ethan's arms wrapped around me as I felt him smile. "Aren't you too old for this?" I asked. Ethan shook his head. "Nah, I like this. And so do you." He smiled. I rolled my eyes before turning back to Ben. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

I woke up first so I made breakfast. Yes, it's a surprise I can cook, but I'm preparing myself for when I get my own house.

Ben came down the stairs rubbing his right eye. He had on some bunny slippers as he sat down stairs the table. "Good morning." He said yawning. "G' morning." I replied. "I didn't know you could cook." He says smiling.

I placed the plate of eggs, pancakes and bacon in front of him. "And I didn't know you wore bunny slippers." I smiled devilishly laying my hand on his shoulder. He blushed from embarrassment. "I-I do no-" I cut him off. "You're wearing them right now." I smiled to the smaller male. "I-I...I.." He was lost for words. I laughed. Jeff soon came down the stairs.

Jeff smiled widely. "Aw yeah! I love your food!" He smiled running to his seat and devouring the food. I chuckled and began eating. "You all have school tomorrow, don't you?" Ethan asked. Were all froze before letting out a deep groan at the same time.

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