~Chapter 11~

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"I want Ben back."

Your POV

"Why did I think this was a good idea. I'm such an idiot. Oh god. I'm gonna die." My thoughts were in a blur as I ran. Why did I think this was a good idea.


"We dare you." A bully named Alexander told me. He had a crew of 10 members. They dared me to walk through the forest for 15 minutes. What's so special about that? These are thr woods Jeff ran into. Jeff wouldn't hurt me. Probably. I tsked. "There's also this thing called the rake in there too. A hairless monster who had sharp claws and teeth." One of the girls from the group chimed in. "That stuff isn't real. That's just to scare kids to not go in the woods." I said. "But you still have to deal with Jeff." A guy from the group said. I rolled my eyes but soon gave a smirk.

"Fine, I'll survive Jeff and in return you all leave me alone." I smirked. Alexander agreed. I walked into the forest and after a few minutes a heard a growl. I slowly turned around to meet a hairless creature. He had beady eyes and razor sharp teeth. He was on all fours. I stood still thinking if I didn't move, he wouldn't acknowledge me.

He let out a horrifying screech and began running at me. I immediately started to run. I could hear it behind me. I didn't look back, just ran.

End of flashback.

I panted heavily as I ran. I heard it screech again. It hurt my ears. I picked up my pace. I couldn't feel my legs, I just knew they were moving. I ran and ran. It started to hurt. I soon came in the sight of an old abandoned mansion. It looked like it could keep me safe. I ran onto the porch and opened the door swiftly before slamming it behind me. I didn't notice anyone. After staring at the door for a few seconds I turned around. I immediately froze.


Every thing in the room looking like a monster in a different way. A giant monochrome clown, a guy with a blue mask and more. More and more. I wanted to run away, but then I remembered. I looked out the window. It was still there. Waiting for me. I looked back at the people. People isn't the word. I felt my sweat drop. I eyed everyone in the room. One person with a white mask was slowly coming towards me.

I kept precaution as I watched him closely. "Ethan!" I called in my mind. Ethan appeared in front of me before looking around. He looked back at me with his eyes wide, eyebrows furrowed and his mouth slightly parted. His face had a message of "What did you get yourself into?". The person with the white mask came running towards me. I dodged quickly and looked at the people in fighting stances. I didn't have a weapon. I was defenceless. The man lunged at me again. Ethan attacked him to the ground. Everyone froze. "What is he doing?" One of the people asked. I stared intensely at the two.

All of the sudden my head started throbbing. Ethan glanced back at me and started to run towards me just as my vision went black.


I fluttered my eyes open to be met with a person watching over me. It was the person with a blue mask. I didn't ask those "Where am I?" questions. I moved my hands. They're tied, rope I assume. I grunted. "Let me out." I said bitterly. The masked person shook his head. He stood still and a tall figure appeared in front of me. I immediately thought "Demon."

I eyed the demon as I squirmed a bit more. "How did you find this place?" It asked me. It sounded like a demand. "Ran from a demon. Ended up finding more demons," I said simply. "So since this was a accident... let me go." I said deeply, demanding my freedom. The reason I can make my voice sound demonic is because my father was a demon himself. I developed some of his skills and attributes.

We heard banging on the door. "You better not kill him!" Screamed a voice from the other side. I could tell it wasn't Ethan, he could go through the door. Where is Ethan? "Right here." He responded in my head. Ah, he was inside my body.

"What are your intentions after knowing about us?" It asked. I gritted my teeth. "Wouldn't you like to know." I spat. I didn't have time for this, I needed to go back home. I took one of my claws out and cut the rope. I immediately stood up and rubbed my wrists. The door busted open and in came Jeff. Why is he here? He ran beside me and remained in a fighting stance. "Hurt him. I fucking dare you." Jeff snarled at the two.

I leaned and whispered in his ear "We forgive you." He froze for a few seconds before snapping out of it and eyeing the two. He leaned to me and whispered "BEN's alive. He goes by BEN now." He explained. I perked up and looking at him expectedly. I tried running out but the guy with a blue mask stopped me.

I eyed him and growled. I grew demon horns, a tail, developed razor sharp teeth and psychotic eyes. I saw a small link alike peak into the room. His eye whites were black and he had red eyes. Was that... Benjamin?

"Why am I here," I asked the tall, faceless demon. "Why won't you let me go?" I demanded. I made eye contact with the link look alike. He gave a smile. I immediately knew it was Ben. It was Ben! Oh wait, Jeff said he called himself BEN, didn't he? My demon form immediately disappeared and BEN tackled me to the floor. He hugged me tightly before whispering something only I could hear.

"Hey, Marshmallow."

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