~Chapter 14~

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I put the blindfold over his eyes before leaving the room.

Your POV

I had just killed a person. For some reason, I had the urge to observe the man's body. His mouth hung open. A white glow was in his mouth, down his throat. I looked at it confusingly. What is it? I put on a glove I happen to have and slip it on. Just as I'm about to reach down the man's throat, the orb of light comes out. It enlarged. Gray mist moved around it here and there.

It looked weird. Should I bring it to Slendy? "Eat me." It whispered. What the-? Suddenly it kinda looked...


I held it in my hand and slowly brought it to my mouth. My mouth opened unusually large and it put the glowing orb in my mouth whole. It immediately turned into liquid once in contact with my mouth and slid down my throat. It tasted amazing.

What was that? I want more. Do I get them from people? Should I tell Slendy? I think I should.


I knocked on the giant door. After getting permission, I entered. I sat down in a chair. "What do you need, child?" He asked. "So uh, I killed this dude and a white glow was coming from his throat. It was a white orb with gray mist around it. And uh..." I trailed off, unsure if he would be mad or not. "I ate it." I said bluntly. "May I search through your memories?" He asked. I nodded.

I felt tingling at the back of my head. I fidgeted with my fingers as I waited. "It seems you've developed more demonic traits. It appears you can now eat souls." He explained. "What?! I ate a soul?!" I put my hands on my neck. I drunk a soul. It was good. Souls are good? "It also seems that whenever you eat a soul, you gain a life." He stated. "WHAT?!" I yelled. Ok, that's hella cool.

"Yes, if I were to stab you through your chest, you would die for a few seconds. Your body would regenerate and you would live again." He explained to me. That is amazing. I thanked him before getting up from my seat. "Oh and (y/n)," he called. I looked at him and hummed. "You, Benjamin, Jeffrey and Liu will be training with my proxies." He stated. I nodded before leaving. I'm guessing it's tomorrow.

I called Ethan, recently he's been hanging around the proxies more than me. It kinda upsets me. He hums. "I've got two things I need to tell you." I explained. He nodded. I explained what Slendy had told me. "I'm proud of you! You're developing your skills! Now, what was that other thing you needed to tell me?" Ethan asked.

"Why have you been so distant lately? You've been hanging around those proxies and awful lot. Have you forgot about your original group? Have you forgotten about me?" I crossed my arms as I frowned. Ethan hugged me. "Aww, is the poor Marshmallow jealous? Don't worry, I still love you." He pinched my cheeks.

"Anyways, I have to train with them tomorrow." I said sitting on my bed. Ethan hummed. "When should I expose myself to everyone? Picking on Masky is starting to get boring." Ethan pouted. "How about we do it before training? Like, at breakfast?" I asked. Ethan nodded.


Everyone was chatting and messing around as usual at the table. "Everyone, can I have your attention." I called out. Everyone went silent. "I have someone I want to show you. He's a ghost and he's been my friend since I was little." I introduced. Ethan was floating beside me and he waved.

"Hi, my name is Ethan!" He said in a cheerful tone. Masky dropped his fork. "I-It's you! You're the one that keeps messing with me!" He said pointing at Ethan. Ethan gave a devilish grin. "What are you talking about?" He asked. Masky growled but Hoodie patted him on the back.

Ethan floated above my head, resting his elbows on my head. "You know exactly what I'm talking about." Masky replied. Ethan gave a small hum and a mischievous grin.


"Ok, first were doing to practice fist to fist combat. No weapons." Masky started explaining. Jeff was up first, the rest of us were watching from the side lines. Jeff and Masky got into their fighting poses before begining.
Jeff's down.
That was quick. Now it was my turn. I got in a fighting stance. We darted at one another. I had swung at him multiple times but he managed to dodge all of them and kick me in the stomach. I groaned but didn't fall down. I managed to trip him but he quickly got back up. I punched his mask, making it crack a small bit. Masky was faster, but I was stronger.

I dodged one of his attacks and kneed him in the stomach. He grunted and punched me in the face before tripping me and pinning me down. I smirked and gave up.

I couldn't tell if Masky was sweating or not, but I knew I was and I was wearing a black tank top and white shorts with a navy blue hoodie around my waist. He was wearing a jacket, black pants and not to mention a mask. He's got to be hot under this sun.

Needless to say, we all lost against Masky. He left from the group to take his mask off and breath. "Next up we're g-going to practice your silent s-skills. When you're sneaking a-around, you must be cautious of your s-surroundings. Always have y-your guard up. A human could see you at a-any time, so it's good to st-stay sharp." Toby explained.

For Toby's lesson, we had to run into the forest and split up. The three proxies had to come after us. We had to stay sharp and alert in order to survive their attacks.

It was difficult. Very difficult. For hoodies lesson, he showed us how to properly clean up our crime scene. Masky ended up explaining because Hoodie was too shy to say anything but "I'm gonna s-show you how to c-clean up your crime scene."

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