~Chapter 22~

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Time to get ready.

Your POV

I walked through the woods. I need to settle this. I was in my demon form, so the Rake was sure to recognize me. I heard screeching and soon enough the Rake popped out.

He froze. "P̵͈̃r̷̮̊ḭ̸̐ṅ̴̻ċ̸̘e̴̱͑ ̸̘͑(̴̱͘y̸̯͗/̸͉̉ñ̴̟)̶̢̆?̸͎͑" (Prince (y/n)?) I nodded. His voice was groggily and raspy. He quickly bowed down.

It feels good to be powerful.

I walked to him. He was now slightly trembling. I stroked his head. "Listen here, Rake. Don't mess with me or BEN. I'm taking my little queen on a date today so stay out the way," I told him. He nodded his head and said "Y̵͇͌e̵̥͛s̸͓̓ ̶͚̐m̸̰̾y̴̱̓ ̸̡̍l̸̝̄ó̶̼r̶͕͗d̷̨̓.̵̔" (Yes my lord).

"And listen here," I raised his head by his chin. "Whatever happens, do not harm BEN. That's my queen. Even if I command you to hurt him for whatever reason, don't do it." I said. He nodded. I gave my usual smile. "Good! Now run along." I said in a sing song voice and he ran away. I remember when he chased me here. I wonder why I panicked like that. I could've ruled him over.

But if I did... I never would've found BEN, so I'm grateful.

I went back to the mansion to get ready.

~~Time skip~~

(Your outfit)

(Ofc the hair, eyes and skin color can be changed)

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(Ofc the hair, eyes and skin color can be changed)

I hummed and waited by BEN's door. This illusion thing comes in handy. LJ was walking through the hall. He's super tall.

He put his claw on my shoulder. "Good luck!" He smiled in his playful tone. He leaned down to my ear. "Everything is set up already. Even the candles are lit at the hill." He told me.

I smiled widely and nodded. This is going perfectly. As LJ walked away, BEN opened the door.

 As LJ walked away, BEN opened the door

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He's so cute. He stared at me for a few seconds. "You look good." He smiled. "Thanks, you do too." I replied. "So, where are we going?" He asked. "That's a secret, my queen." I smirked, holding my hand out. He playfully rolled his eyes and took my hand.

We walked outside. "Prepare for that date." I smiled. He looked at me and chuckled.

We walked to the carnival. "Woahh. A carnival?" He said. I hummed. There's more people here than I expected. We got our bracelets and started to walk around the place. Out the corner of my eye, I saw a huge teddy bear. Let's hurry up and ride these rides so I can win that.

After lots and lots of rides, we started to play the games. "Who's! Look how huge that bear is!" BEN said pointing. I grabbed his hand and we walked over to it. "Watch this. I'll win it." I told him. The man gave me darts. I have amazing accuracy.
I won. I pointed to the large pink teddy bear. He owner unhooked it and handed it to me, which I handed to BEN. "That was awesome! It's so big!" The bear was maybe half his size. He looked up at me and pecked my lips. "Thank you!" He smiled.

He's so cute.

We walked around, playing more games. "Marshmallow, I'm hungry. Can we get something to eat?" He asked. I clicked a button on my watch. "No no, let me take you somewhere." I told him. He nodded.

Meanwhile...When (y/n) and BEN left... (3rd person POV)

"Don't look at me! I don't know how to cook!" Jeff exclaimed, holding his hands up defensively. "Of course you don't." Liu and Ethan said at the same time. "Move Jeff, let me and Liu handle it. We learned from (y/n)." Ethan said proudly, looking at the list of ingredients and how to do it.

Ethan began making cookies, Liu made Skewers, LJ bagged their favorite candy and Misaki put fruits that EJ had cut up for him into a container. Misaki was happy for (y/n), he just hoped (y/n) wouldn't beat him when the two lovers became married.

"Two guys can get married, right?" Misaki thought, putting pineapple into the mix of strawberries, blueberries and grapes. Misaki shrugged to himself, kicking his feet since they didn't reach the floor. He watched Ethan put the cookies into the oven. "Are you done?" Ethan asked the child. Misaki nodded, smiling proudly. "Here, have the extra cookie dough." Ethan smiled and Misaki began to munch on it.

Soon, it was all done. "Guys! He's going to the area!" Jeff yelled, showing his watch. It was beeping loudly. Everyone rushed to set everything up. Once the did it, they hurried back home.

Your POV

"It's just this way." I told him. We continued to walk until we made it on top of the hill. BEN lightly gasped and walked ahead of me. I looked at the candles surrounding the picnic blanket. In the middle, was the food, still looking fresh and hot. I smiled. They actually did well. BEN set his teddy bear on the ground and sat beside it. I grabbed my guitar.

At the end of the song I said "I love you BEN." gently. He smiled widely, black tears staring to run down his face. "You're too good too me. I don't deserve you." He began to cry tears of joy. I smiled and placed my guitar down.

He stopped crying and wiped the remaining tears. "Let's eat now." I told him. He nodded and we began placing food down on our plates. I grabbed a strawberry and held it up to BEN's mouth. He opened his mouth and ate it. He both lightly giggled.


"This was so much fun. Thank you for tonight." BEN smiled. I hummed, intertwining our fingers. We made it back to the mansion and cuddled until we fell asleep.


I couldn't find a male version that I liked so bare with the female version (even though it's on ukulele and not guitar).

My Little Gamer | BEN drowned x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now