~Chapter 3~

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I put on a black beanie, red shirt, black skinny jeans with holes, black shoes and a navy blue hoodie around my waist. I grabbed my backpack, ate breakfast and made my way to the bus stop. Ben was already there. He was looking down swinging his legs back and forth. I sat beside him and a few seconds later Jeff came. Ben sat in between us. Then after a few minutes we heard a skateboard. I lowly groaned as Randy and his gang stopped in front of us. "So we got a new kid eh? Well, let me introduce myself. I'm Randy, that's Troy and that's Keith," Randy said as I rolled my eyes. "There's a bus fee. So pay up." He smirked holding out his hand.

"He's not giving you anything." Jeff growled. Randy frowned. "No one asked you." He sneered. I only rolled my eyes. "Back off." I warned.

Randy grabbed the collar of my shirt, making my stand up. "I'd stay in my place if I were you." He smirked. Jeff was about to get up but I waved him off. "Oh yeah?" I asked smirking. "I think you should stay on the ground." I say punching him in his jaw. He let's go and takes a few steps back from the impact. He touched his jaw as he looks at me and I crack my knuckles. "I don't wanna fight you today Randy." I warn. He tsks before skateboarding away mumbling. "I'll get you next time (y/n). I have more money to collect anyway."

I sat back down. "What a wimp." Jeff snickered. I nodded. "Whoa! You guys are so cool! I couldn't have ever did that." Ben says looking down, balling the bottom of his hoodie in his fists. "Of course not! You're so small, I don't think you can even lift a 5 pound weight." I responded. He jerks his head in my direction before huffing and hitting my chest. I chuckle. "You hit like a baby."

Jeff snickers as Ben crossed his arms in defeat. It was nice to see Jeff act so happy. After a few minutes the bus came. It picked us all up. We all sat in the same seat, talking about random things as a few people glared at us. Mostly to get a look at Ben. "You have to play again for us (y/n)! It's so amazing!" Ben says. "Jeff will fall asleep again. Like always." I said. "Eh, true. I can't help it though." He smiled.

We soon got off the bus and thankfully, Ben had the same homeroom as me.

I waved goodbye to Jeff as we usually saw each other by lunch. Ben walked beside me as he didn't know the way. I kept my emotions hidden under a stern face as I didn't show them at school.

We walked inside the classroom. "Pick an empty seat." I told Ben. He nodded and looked around. I sat down in my seat by the window as he found his. I looked out the window until I heard someone tap my desk. I turn to see Kenshi. I keep in my groan. Kenshi was a girl who had a major crush on me and didn't even try to hide it. She was cute, but not my type. "Hi (y/n)! How was your morning?" She asked me smiling. "It was fine Kenshi, thanks for asking." I mumble. She giggled at who knows what.

"You're welcome! Do you want to eat lunch with me?" She asked. At this point she was getting annoying. "Sorry, I can't. I already have plans to sit with someone." I mumble out laying my head in my hand as I heard people mumble.

"How dare he ignore her."
"She's too pretty to like him."
"She's too good for him."
"Why doesn't she go for a real man?"
"I could treat her right."

I sigh and glance at them. They continue to talk as they eye me from time to time. Kenshi notices and pats my head gently. "Hey, don't worry about them alright?" She whispered. I gently nodded. It's not like I care about them, but if that's what will get her to leave me alone, then sign me up.

Everyone went to their seats as the teacher walked in. "Hello class, today we have a new student. Please stand and introduce yourself." Mr. Adams said. Ben twitched a little at the "stand" part. He slowly stood up as he looked down, fiddling with his fingers. "Hi... I'm Benjamine." He said, trying to keep a stern posture before sitting down.. I heard a few comments about him.

"Look at his curves! Is that really a guy?"
"His voice was so girly! That must be a girl!"
"Aw he's so cute!"
"He's so cute!"
"I know right? I could cuddle him all day!"

I rolled my eyes at some of the comments. All the guys are just perverts and the girls just want to cuddle him. Everyone thinks he's a girl. Why? I mean, yeah he's got some curves, but all those guys trying to find out if he's a boy or girl will officially be gay. Ha, losers. Then their wishes of getting with their "dream girl Kenshi" will be ruined.

Class began but all I could hear was the whispers of the students. I growled at some of them. It's the first day and almost everyone is trying to get in that boy's pants. They're all disgusting. Ben looked at me a few times in class and every time he would I'd give him a small reassuring nod because I knew he was hearing some of the comments too.

It was time for the next period and I hurried and packed my things then waited for Ben to put his things up too. He followed me since he didn't know the way.

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