~Chapter 23~

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We made it back to the mansion and cuddled until we fell asleep.

(Short chapter)

Your POV

The tapping of my footsteps were loud as I walked through the unnaturally hot halls. My tail gently swaying. Father wanted to see me. I wonder what for.

"I've come to the conclusion that I can't take you away from your boyfriend." He started. I hummed. "You think? Unlike you, I would never leave my queen." I responded. He furrowed his eyebrows. "Yet you haven't marked him."

"But my scent is on him. Why do you think no one else has come for that little piece of candy?" I replied back, smirking as I licked my lips. He growled at my remark. He got up from his throne and walked over to me. He slapped my chest with the back of his hand. "You've grown soft boy. He's really done something to you," He smirked. I playfully roll my eyes. "I've come to make an acception to your new queen. Once you mark him fully, you will become king-" I cheered, but quickly stopped. "As I was saying, there is some side effects. As soon as you become king, you'll have a sexual urge for your queen. It will last for the whole day, so you might wanna lock yourself in a cage or something." He explained. I nodded, taking in all the information.


I set BEN in my lap as he continued to play his games. I have to mark him. "Hey Kitty?" I said. He hummed. "Would you really want to become my queen?" I asked. He quickly paused his game and turned around in my lap. I rested my hands on his waist as I looked down at him. "What?" He asked. "Do you want to really become my queen?" I repeated. He blushed. "A-Are you saying you want to get married?" He asked.

"No," I chuckled. "I can mark you, meaning I've claimed you, so no one else is able to date you. I want to do that, but I wanted to asked you first. And...." I leaned down to his ear. "When we're older, I'll marry you." I whispered. He blushed harder.

"So? What do you say? May I mark you?" I asked. He thought for a moment. "Why me? I'm nothing special, and I'm sure someone would fit you way bet-" I put my index finger over his mouth. "Don't ever think that. You're really special. Maybe not to others, but you're special to me. I wouldn't want to have it any other way." I smiled.

"Now may I mark you?" I asked. "W-Whatever." He said, glancing away. I kissed him. This is the way to mark him. I bit his bottom lip. He hesitantly opened his mouth. I darted my tongue in, exploring every inch. I opened my eyes, BEN's eyes were squeezed shut, he slightly trembled and squeezed my shoulders.

Don't worry, I'm almost finished.

I pulled away. That should've been enough. BEN's face was covered in blush, he opened his eyes as he panted. It's complete.

In his eyes was my symbol.

In his eyes was my symbol

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It quickly faded. "Finished!" I smiled snuggling my head in the crook of his neck. This is my queen. Finally.

I hummed happily as I squeezed him tightly, shaking him around a bit. "Ah, let go! Let go!" He said playfully. I pulled away, smiling widely. This is like a dream.

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