~Chapter 21~

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BEN's gonna love this.

Your POV

I knocked on Slendy's door. After getting permission, I entered. "Yes my child?" He asked, not looking up. He continued to write down on his paperwork. "Is there a way for BEN to not look how he is? I want to take him out somewhere that's public but since, ya know, his eyes and stuff aren't normal... You know." I said awkwardly. Asking if I could change my boyfriend wasn't something I'd usually do. He nodded. "There is a way. It's called illusion form. Get Benjamin, Liu and Jeffrey. I'll show you all how to do it." He replied. I nodded.


~~Next day~~

I swung open BEN's door and practically tackled him to the ground. "BEN WORSHIPING DAY!" I yelled.

"Hey! Get off I'm losing!" He yelled, hitting my head. I backed away and rubbed my head. "Oww..." I fake pouted. He didn't pay attention, only continued his game. He soon set the controller down and look at me lazily. I tackled him into the beanbag. "BEN worshipping day!" I purred and my tail wagged happily.

"For someone like you, you sure are childish," BEN shook his head before smiling. "So I'm being worshiped today, huh? Does that mean you'll do anything I say?" He asked. I nodded. "Yep! Pretty much!"

He hummed, thinking of something. "Strip." He smirked. I got up. "Huh? W-wait..." He said. I pulled my shirt over my head. "W-Wait stop! I was just joking! I was just trying to see if you'd really do anything!" He said, covering his red face. I laughed. Just the expression I thought would happen. I didn't bother to put my shirt back on, I'm too lazy. I snuggled back up to him.

"H-Hey! Put your shirt on!" He began hitting my head again. I ignored it. Suddenly I felt and electrical shock course through me. I yelped and backed away. BEN looked at his hands before looking at me. "Dude! You shocked me!" I began to fake pout.

"Whoa! You have tattoos?" He asked, staring at my chest. "Huh? Oh these? These are birth marks." I replied.

(Except they're black not red

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(Except they're black not red.)

"Birth marks? I've never seen birth marks this cool before. Wait... Is that a six pack?! You're only 15! How did you get that?!" He asked. I smiled, my sharp teeth becoming visible. "You can feel them if ya want." He gently touched my stomach, making me purr and close my eyes. "I wish I had a six pack." He whispered. All of the sudden the door opened. There stood Hazuki. "Uh-..."

She grabbed me by one of my horns

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She grabbed me by one of my horns. "Hey! Ow, ow! Let go!" I whined. She threw me out the room. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING YOU'RE 15! YOU'RE TOO YOUNG!" She yelled, starting to hit me. "Ow! Ow! Hey! It wasn't what it looks like!" I said, letting out a few more "ow"'s.

"Oh yeah? Then what was it?" I explained the situation. She looked at BEN before looking back at me. "Y'all are fucking weirdos. Who just feels abs?" She said as she walked away.

BEN was under the bed, blushing like madly. "Come out." I said, looking under the bed. "No! This is the second time I've been in an embarrassing situation!" He shook his head. I tried to reach for him but he backed away and shocked me. Damn small people.

I quickly retracted my hand and grunt. "He's like a cat." I said in my head. This is probably the only way to get him out. I stood up and got one of my hoodies. "You can have this if you come out." I bribed. He seemed to perk up at the world 'have', but then hesitantly shook his head. I grunted again. Maybe he has a diary.

××Time skip brought to you by neko BEN chanting "Neko neko nii!"××


What's this?

"Kitty~ If you don't come out I'll read your diary." I hummed, sitting down on the floor so he'd have a good look of what was in front of me. He whimpered. There's probably dust under there, so he shouldn't be under there.

I opened it up, flipping through pages and not really reading it.

Until I saw pink.

I stopped flipping through pages and went to find that page again. "Stop! Stop it!" He whined. "Come out then." I said. He slowly came out and snatched the book away from me. "Did you really read any of it?" He asked. "No." I responded, watching him put it away. I wonder what that pink page was.

I looked at the time. 6 pm. In a few hours it will be time. I looked up at BEN and smiled. I finally put a shirt on.

Misaki creaked open the door. He looked around, spotted me, smiled and hopped in my lap.

I smiled, ruffling his hair. "Hey Misaki! How have you been?" I asked. "Good." He mouthed. I nodded. He's such a sweet little boy. He grabbed my hand and mouthed "Up, up!"

I stood up and he brought me to his room. Toys were scattered everywhere. He ran to his little desk where crayons were scattered. He picked up a piece of paper and showed me it. It was a drawing of me.

Oh my god I'm gonna die.

"Aww, I love it! Thank you!" I smiled, giving him a hug. He smiled widely and kissed my cheek. I gave the drawing back but he shook his head and gave it back. "Ah. I'll hang it up on my wall!" I smiled. His face brightened even more as he smiled even wider.

I hung it on my wall with tape before checking the time again. 8:20...

Time to get ready.



"No no. This is my (y/n)." BEN said. Misaki shook his head while mouthing "My (y/n)."

(Y/N) was sitting on the couch beside the two, trying not to laugh at the cuteness. Misaki kissed his cheek while mouthing "My (y/n)."

BEN kissed the same cheek. "That's my (y/n)." He replied. They went back and forth. Misaki got in (y/n)'s lap while mouthing "Mine. This not yours." to BEN.

Misaki was just too cute. (Y/N) let out a small chuckle and kissed Misaki's cheek. BEN lowly groaned. Misaki kissed (y/n)'s nose. "My (y/n)."

BEN huffed, turning (y/n)'s face by his cheek and kissed the childish demon. (Y/N) smiled, holding in his laughter. "My (y/n)." He said. (Y/N) looked at Misaki. Misaki pouted. He stared at (y/n) for a few moments, thinking.

"It's ok if I do the same, right? (Y/N) won't hit me if I do... I think. Yeah." Misaki thought.

Misaki pecked (y/n) on the lips, like how a child would do his mother. As soon as their lips touched Misaki backed away, his mouth doing the little "Mwah" thing. (Y/N) laughed. "Uh oh. Someone stole your kisses BEN."

BEN stared at Misaki as Misaki gave off a smug look. He mouthed "My (y/n)."

A savage 6 year old.

"That doesn't count cuz he doesn't know any better." BEN huffed, crossing his arms.

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