~Chapter 29~

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I want to investigate, but I'll ask about it the next time (y/n) comes. I know he won't lie to me.

Your POV

"Wake up." I heard. I groaned. "(Y/N), get up." Jeff said. "Leave me alone." I groaned. Jeff grabbed a fist-full of my hair and yanked it back, making my head go back and my chin stick in the air. "Get up now." He growled. I punched his arm. "That hurt dammit!" I yelled, rubbing my head. I tackled him to the ground and we were kicking and punching each other. "Are you two seriously rough-housing this early in the morning?" Liu yawned as he rubbed his eye. We stopped and got up. At least we woke each other up.

I did my normal morning routine. What should I wear? Maybe this?

 What should I wear? Maybe this?

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Yeah, this looks good. I lazily walked out of my room and down the stairs. A backpack was thrown at me and I caught it. I threw it on my back lazily and put it on. Even after that shower and Jeff and me rough-housing, I'm still tired. LJ gave us some candy. I got a lollipop and some gum. I stuffed it in my pocket and thanked the monochrome clown.

I felt a tug on my shirt. I looked down to see Misaki and a worried look plastered on his face. I picked him up. He's probably worried because I don't leave this early in the morning. I kissed his cheek. "Don't worry Misaki, I'll be back sooner than you know it." I told him. He squeezed his teddy bear tighter and lightly nodded.

I set him down again and yawned. I rubbed my eye. BEN floated in front of me. "Wake up." He smiled. I lightly groaned and leaned down to rest my head on his shoulder. "I'm trying." I groaned, dragging it out.


"So this is the school, huh?" I said. It didn't look like anything special. I guess the only difference is that the school is filled with killers. I blew a bubble and popped it. A male with blonde hair that shined in the sun and green glimmering eyes approached us. He had on a long white coat with white pants and a white top hat. He had on black boots and a crystal blue staff.

I stuffed my hands in my pockets, eyeing the person. I popped another bubble I blew. "So you're the new king of hell," He said. I cocked up and eyebrow. "I was told to keep an eye out on you. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Felix, your teacher and your therapist, (y/n)." He introduced.

"Therapist?!" I yelled. "Yes, for your anger issues. Slenderman assigned me to do it." He replied. I growled. "That faceless fuck." I said in thoughts. I tsked. What a joke.


I walked down the halls, BEN beside me and Jeff and Liu behind me. "This school looks way nicer than our old school. Don't you think (y/n)?" BEN asked, his eyes sparkling at the sights of the fancier school. "Yeah, sure hun," I said before cringing. Rich brats disgust me. I may be an asshole, but I'm not spoiled like a little princess or petty prince who cries about everything little thing.

I heard multiple whispers about me. Drama must start real quick in these places. I twirled the lollipop in my mouth. I had disowned the gum awhile ago because it was losing flavor.

I scanned through the people, seeing who to befriend. I gave a slight nod to a few tough looking people. Suddenly I saw this huge guy. He was taller than me. He was buff and had multiple tattoos on his arms. It's a gorilla with tattoos. I took the lollipop from my mouth and stuffed it in BEN's. He blushed furiously. I gave a grinning smirk, my sharp teeth visible. I nodded at him and he nodded back, raising his hand. I shook it. "Russell." He introduced. His voice was big and deep and boomed around the quiet hallways. "(Y/N). I'll see you around." I introduced back before continuing to walk to my class.


"Look at this cafeteria!" BEN said amazed. Too many people. Anyone could steal BEN from me. I grab his hand. "C'mon let's go before the good stuff is gone!" He said trying to drag me. I scanned everyone in the cafeteria. I can't be the only demon in this place. I know I'm not the only demon in this face. BEN's scent radiates me completely, so they can't touch him, but that doesn't apply to the people. They can't smell my scent on him.

BEN was grabbing things for both of us. I noticed a group of three demons coming this way. "Ah, my king. What are you doing here?" He asked. He stuffed his hands in his pocket. I gave a smile. "Well, I'm still a teenager like you, so I have to go to school too."

The demon chuckled and nodded. "Oh, my queen is here too?" Another demon asked. He had dark raven hair that had blue streaks. BEN turned around and looked up. He gave an eye closed toothy grin. "Hi!" He smiled. He needs to stop being so cute, and he's not even trying!

Someone is bound to try and take him from me.

Misaki POV

I look around, holding Mr. Goldfish. Everyone I know left this morning. I was left with strangers.

Where is (y/n)? Why did he leave so early in the morning?

I creak open the door to Mr. Slendy's office and peak in. "Yes, my child?" He asks. Mr. Slendy can read thoughts, right?

"Where is (y/n)?" I ask in my head. "Attending school." He replied. It worked! Mr. Slendy can hear me from my head!

I go to my room. Maybe (y/n) would want another drawing? He really liked my last one. Right, Mr. Goldfish? Mr. Goldfish nodded with my help. Mr. Goldfish is right, he would love another picture.

I can practice saying his name while I color.

~Time skip~

Where is (y/n)? It's been so long. I'm going outside to look for him. I set Mr. Goldfish on my bed. I wave my finger. "Stay here Mr. Goldfish." I say.

I got out of the mansion and into the forest. He has to be here somewhere.

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