💥Chapter 1: Bodyguard💥

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Everything has a beginning.


"I'm going to fucking kill him!!!"

Kwang was boiling with rage because apparently, whoever was in charge of organizing the fan meet, had fucked up big-time. Gun was supposed to have a Fan meet with some of his Babiis, and discuss about his upcoming music video that he and Off made. However thanks to the organizer, that some had turned into hundreds. Kwang would have jumped on the organizer by now if someone wasn't holding her back.

At the back of the room, a small boy Stood Still. He was shocked from experiencing something like this today. Gun had never had so many Babiis jumping on him at once. Whatever fan meet he went to, it was always organized perfectly. Even if sometimes it was a bit crowded, Off was always there protecting him. But not today, because Off had gone to Korea for a month. The older male had some important work that he needed to unfold in Korea. Kwang had felt something was missing by her side, so she scanned the whole room until she found the small figure. She quickly rushed over to him and she could have sworn she saw him shaking with fear.

"Gun... Are you okay?"

The boy didn't answer as if he was deaf or his soul had left this world.

"Gun! Are you okay!?". Questioned Kwang, this time shaking him by the arm.

"Hum? Oh yeah... I am fine."

Kwang was about to ask further question but got interrupted by Gun's manager.

"Gun! I am so sorry that you had to go through that!". Apologized Gun's manager.

"It's ok P'. It's not your fault"

"No! It is my fault. I'm your manager and I should have token care of you better."

Gun just smiled at his manager. It was hard for him to put up that smile after that great shock, but he didn't want his manager to worry. Gun's manager just shook his head. Seriously, no one could ever hate this kid! He always puts everyone's feelings before his and take cares of everyone.

Soon after, three mens in their finest suit had walked up to the group. Gun just looked at the three handsome mans and wondered if they were from Korea because they had that idol face. Gun's manager smiled and walked up to the three mans and introduced them to Gun and Kwang.

"Meet Ethan, Mike, and Felix. They are the top bodyguards in company ####. They will be keeping an eye on Gun for the next month."

Gun's mouth had just dropped to the ground. Bodyguards??? Gun never needed a bodyguard, nor did he ever wanted one. He had always hated the feeling of someone following him around and keeping an eye on him. The thought of someone watching every step he took, made him feel uncomfortable. Gun was certain he didn't want any bodyguard.

"But P'! I don't want any bodyguard!"

"No Gun! This time you will get a bodyguard."

"I'm serious P'. There is really no need. I'll be fine and beside, P'Off will be back soon."

"Gun..." said his manager, this time sounding a bit bitter. "Right now, you need a bodyguard. Off won't be back in Thailand for a month. I don't want you to go through what you had gone through today. So please, stop making us worry."

Gun looked at Kwang with his puppy eye, hoping she would help him out, but this time it didn't work.

"Gun... Your P' is right. I hate the fact that I couldn't protect you today. So please." Kwang tried to convince Gun.

Gun was now lost in his thoughts. He was having a battle with himself, whether he should have the Bodyguard or not. He soon gave up and agreed to have the bodyguard. However... in one condition.

"Fine! I'll agree with you. However, I'll only have one bodyguard!"

"But Gun!" He's manager tried to argue.

"Please P'."

His manager took a while before agreeing with Gun. He didn't want to make Gun feel any more uncomfortable. He turned around toward the three muscular man, and took a step forward.

"The person who will take care f Gun for a month will be..."

He pointed toward the bodyguard who stood in the middle.




Thank you for reading! please don't forget to vote. It helps a lot with myu have any favorite name?

I like the name sun-he, because when I first heard this name, I thought it was very unusual.

S.coups's wife, Ela

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