😶Chapter 20: A New Feeling, With A New Challenge.😏

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"I have a new feeling, but with a challenge of the old."


"Gun... let me be one of those people."

"Gun... let me be one of those people."

"Gun... let me be one of those people."

Gun tossed around to the other side of the bed, his face buried inside the pillow, he had tried hard to get those words out of his mind.

Did he just get confessed to? By no other than Mike? And the worst part is, Gun felt his heartbeat beating faster. He clearly remembers the feeling he had, two hours ago.

Flashback to the park.

"Gun... let me be one of those people." Mike requested as his eyes were lost in Gun's.

Gun couldn't move a muscle. This was wrong. He just got rejected by the man he loved for over 2 years, but here his heart was beating just from a confession, from a man he barely knew for a month. He could feel his face heating up.

When Gun didn't respond, Mike thought it would be okay to go in for a kiss. As he closed his eyes, and leaned forward a little bit more, he kissed Gun... just kidding. They didn't kiss. [A/N: sorry not sorry] Gun finally came back to reality, and moved back, resulting in him falling down from the bench.

"Gun! Are you okay!?" Mike jumped Off the bench to help Gun up.

"Y-yeah I am f-fine." He replied feeling embarrassed. "T-thanks..."

"I'm sorry. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have confessed to you out of nowhere. You probably don't even like me..." He felt guilty for confusing Gun like this.

"N-no! That's not it. I do like you but- but- I... I..."  he started to panic and was lost in his own words.

"Hey Gun. Calm down. It's okay if you don't feel the same as me. I... I just wanted to say that I like..."

"You... like me?"

"Yes... I liked you for a while now. You were just different than other people I worked with. Always kind and friendly... a little sassy from time to time, but I like it." He smiles to himself. "Everytime you smile, it just gives me all this new feelings... and everytime you cry, it just makes me want to protect you." Mike wanted to say more, but it would probably freak Gun out.

Gun was lost in his own world. He was so confused to why his heart was beating so fast? He did like Mike being around him. He knows both Mike and Off cared about him... but the way they showed it, was different. Maybe Off did only care about him in a brotherly way. But still... he felt so guilty for having a little bit of feeling for Mike... even though he shouldn't.

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