👥Chapter 28: Extra Bodyguard👥

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Okay, before I start the chapter, I want to thank everyone for waiting patiently while I went under my surgery. I can't type much but I did the best I could.



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So once I'm done with bodyguards, I'll publish Daddy's Boy!



Dear slut Gun.

Didn't I warn you already to leave Off alone?! You take my warning as a joke! You only followed Off around to get something but when you can't get that, you hired someone to satisfy you at home. How much of a slut can you get?! Not only playing around with two people, but also thousands of fans heart! You should wear these clothes. They fit you better. Just like the faggat slut you are. This is your last warning. Leave Off alone and get lost. You don't deserve anything. 

-That smile :) 

The three boys are around the kitchen table as the paper was in the middle. They read the letter over and over again, each time getting more disgusted. Finally Off got off the seat as he was about to pull out his phone. 

"P'Off! What are you doing?" Gun questioned as he stopped Off. 

"I'm calling the fucking cops. Whoever broke into your place should go to jail!" Off hissed. He was more than furious. 

"P'Off no!" Gun quickly said as the two boys looked at him. "If we call the cops, the fans are going to find out about this! It will cause another problem."

"But we can't just stay back and do nothing! Someone broke into your fucking house!" 

"I agree with him Gun. We have to let people know." Mike added. 

"I know... but we can we wait awhile?" Gun requested as the two boys raised their eyebrows. "The fan meet is the day after tomorrow and we can't tell the public right now! They're going to cancel it!"

Off set back down on his chair and ran his hand through his hair. "Gun, forget the fucking fan meet! You're in danger right now!"

"P'Off I can't! You know how important the fan meet is. It comes only once a year and the company placed so much money into this! Not only that, but the fans are going to be so disappointed!" Gun tries to reason out.

Off and Mike stage silence. Off really wanted to call the cops but he knew Gun was also right. This fanmeet was one of the most important meetings throughout the year. The company placed most of their money into it and the fans have been dying to meet them.

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