💉Chapter 39: Dr. Gun💉

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I may or may not write a MikeGun one-shot for my little MikeGun shippers after this, so any suggestion on what type of one shot you want?


"Off, Be careful!" 

"I am, stop yelling at me!" 

"Watch where you're going you idiot!" 

"I have eyes!" 

"Stop moving so much!" 

"You know what, I could walk by myself." Off said as he pulls his arm away from Gun's shoulder and starts walking down the hallway. 

"You- You could work perfectly fine! Why did you tell me you have trouble walking!" Gun shouted as he caught up with the older. 

"Isn't it obvious?" He smirked as he looked at Gun. "I love your attention." He winked at Gun, which left the poor boy dumbfounded. Off took the opportunity to put the passcode into Gun's apartment and enter the house. 

It's been already three weeks since the incident and Off being hospitalized but the older was finally able to leave the hospital. He could have left the hospital a week ago since he was feeling much better, but Gun wouldn't allow that. He wanted his boyfriend to stay at the hospital and get the best care he could get. 

Both the boys enter the apartment soon and Off dropped himself onto the bed as Gun placed the bags on top of the table. He then walked over to his boyfriend and made him sit down on the bed properly. 

"The Mr. Scoups said to be careful. You can't drop yourself like that on the bed."

"But the doctor isn't here." He whined and his boyfriend's nagging. 

"Well, hello. I am Dr. Gun. And I order you not to do that." Gun said as he pulls out his hand for a handshake.

"Oh really?" Off had a playful smirk on his face. "Aow! Doctor! I think I'm hurting!" He pretended that his stomach was in pain as he placed both his arms on his scars. "I need my medicine!"

Gun panicked as he saw this, but before he could do anything, he felt himself being pulled toward the bed, until his back hits the soft mattress hard. He lets out a small sound out of his mouth because of the roughness, but soon lost his voice when Off was staring deep at him from the top.

"I need my kiss to heal me."

Gun doesn't know why his blushing. He should be used to this by the since for the past 3 week, Off hasn't let Gun leave his side for a single second. He became more clingy ever since the confession and would shower Gun with kisses! Dr. Scoups even walked in them being all sweet five times already.

"Dr. Hurry up please. It's an emergency." Off said as his eyes never left Gun's plump lips that he became addicted to.

"Too much of a medication is bad for your health." Gun teased as he knew the older was impatient.

"I don't care." Off quickly said before smashing his lips on two Gun's.

He was laying down on his left side, making sure not to injure the right side.
He managed to slide his left arm under Gun's neck and pulled him in closer as he deepened the kiss. His right arm was arresting on Gun's clothed stomach.

Both of them had their eyes closed as the kiss was getting messy and sloppy. Gun's lips were warm and soft as they parted slightly, allowing Off's tongue to slip inside. Gun lets out a soft moan when he felt Off's hot tongue travel inside his mouth. 

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