🌡Chapter 9: Bodyguard Or Nurse?🌡

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"An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but if the doctor is cute, forget the fruit"



That is the tenth time Gun sneezed, after his call with Off. He doesn't know how he was able to control he's sneezing meanwhile talking with Off, but I guess it soon came to an end. He has been sneezing uncontrollably, and he feels his body heating up every time he sneezes. Not to mention the ugly pimple on tip of his nose. He has been sick ever since yesterday morning. He canceled everything he had in his schedule and stayed home the entire day, hoping he would get better the next day. But nope, here he is, feeling like he's about to die. He hasn't told anyone about it, other than Kwang, because he doesn't want anyone to see his ugly pimple, even though he's dying here.

He has been lying down in his bed, which was covered with dirty tissues that he wiped his nose with. He was wearing a super short pants, with a oversized white shirt. This piece of clothing allowed Gun's leg to be out, and only covered his upper thighs. He doesn't wear this type of clothing front of anyone, other than of course Kwang.

*ding dong*

Gun's doorbell rang. He quickly got up to open the door, since he called Kwang to come over and bring him some food. Without thinking much, he open the door to find... someone unexpected.

"Mike?" He whispered.

Mike stood there, with a bag of chicken porridge in his right hand. He almost felt like he could drop the porridge to the ground from what he was seeing. The sight he was seeing made his breath uneven. There was Gun, with his cute but sexy legs exposed to for him to see. With Gun's shirt sliding of a little from his left shoulder, exposing his collarbone. With Gun's messy hair that he forgot to brush. And Gun's lips all swollen up, because he was trying to control his sneezing by biting his lips. Mike felt like he was in Cloud 9. Seeing Gun like this, made him want to cuddle Gun all night. It made him want to kiss those lips, which were twice it's size now. It made his lower region jump a little. He was shaped back to reality when he heard Gun call his name.

"Mike. What are you doing here?" Gun asked, still not realizing what he was wearing.

"I- I came h-here because P'Kwang
t-told me you w-were sick." Mike answered nervously, while trying to look away.

Gun notice Mike's eyes trying to avoid looking his way, and that's when Gun realized.what he was wearing, and the ugly pimple in his nose. He quickly brought his hands up to his nose to cover the ugly pimple, as he ran back to his bed, covering his legs with the blanket. He left the door wide open for Mike to enter, so Mike did. Mike was having hard time walking over to Gun, as he felt his legs wobble a little.

Gun sat on top of his bed, with his hands covering his nose and mouth.
Mike sat at the end of the bed next, giving himself a little space from Gun, as he didn't trust himself.

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