🥺Chapter 40: Moms. 🥺

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Off presses the 5 floor as he waits for the elevator to come. He had a small smile on his face as his heart felt less heavy.

It has already been a week since he got out of the hospital and he finally had the courage to face this mother, thanks to Gun. Few hours ago, he was at his parents house. His face was emotionless when he got inside but he still wanted to yell at his mom and let out his frustration. You wanted to tell his mother that his not her son anymore and that he hates her, but his thoughts came to a stop when he remembered what Gun said.

"You don't hate her, you are just mad. You love her."

And Gun was correct. He doesn't hate his mother. He you was beyond mad but the moment he saw his mother cry and beg for forgiveness, his face softened. The hours of discussion he had to wait his mom was filled with tears. He told her how disappointed he was and how furious he is. How he trusted her more than anyone, but she lets him down.

The mother on the other hand never tried to decline any of that because she knew he was right. All she could do was apologize and beg for forgiveness. Tell him that she loved him and never meant to hurt anyone.

"I love Gun and I have decided to be with him, whether any of you like it or not." Was the last thing Off told his parents before leaving the house.

"Gun will love this." Off smiles to himself as he enters the elevator with a plastic bag on his hand. After he left his parents' house, he went to a small bakery to get Gun's favorite desserts.
"I'll tell him to kiss me if he wants it." He had a small smirk on his face as he imagined Gun kissing all over his face. He feels a weird feeling on the lower region of his body as he imagined deepening the kiss. 

His thoughts soon came to an end when he heard the elevator ring, meaning that he has reached the fifth floor. He got out of the elevator and started walking down the hallway but noticed Gun standing outside of his apartment. It looked like the younger just came from somewhere.

"Where did you go?" Off asked in a deep voice as he approached Gun, who flinched and quickly turned around. "I thought I told you to stay home."

"Oh God!" Gun places his and over his chest, trying to calm it down. "You scared me!"

"I asked you a question." Off looked really irritating. 

"Stop looking like you're going to kill me. I was just with Mike." 

"Mike?" Off raised one of his eyebrows as he poked the inside of his mouth with his tongue, something he does when he's jealous. "Why?" 

"No reason." Gun shrugs his shoulder as he turned around towards the door and took out his key card to open it. He soon enters the house that's a little dark, since the curtains were still down. 

Off growls as he was unsatisfied with the answer. He follows Gun inside the house and places the plastic bag somewhere. "Gun!" He hissed before picking up the younger and making him sit top of the table. "When I ask you a question, I expect a satisfying answer. Are we clear?" Off's husky voice sends a shiver down Gun's body.

Gun felt his heart beat faster as Off brings his face closer to Gun's. The elders minty breath almost made Gun feel weak. "Papi..."

"I asked, are we clear?" Off questioned again as his eyes never leaving Gun's lips.

"Yes Papi." The small boy answered before feeling a pair of lips on his. 


Word: 700

I know it's a small chapter, but I promise the next one will make it up for it.

If you know what I mean 😏

I'll update on few hours.

S.coups's Wife, Ela

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