❤️Chapter 37: The confession❤️

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"Gun!" The weak boy shouted as he opened his eyes. Cold sweat was dripping from his forehead, down to his neck. He found the strength to look around the room and found no sign of anyone. "H-he left me!" Off cried as he remembered his dream. He tried to sit up, despite the huge pain in his stomach. He was ready to pull out the IV from his arm, but stopped all his movement when a door opened.

His eyes widened as he noticed a small figure coming out of what looked like a bathroom. "Papi!" The small boy shouted with joy as he walked over to Off. "I was so worri-"

His voice was caught off when he felt a arm around his waist, pulling him in. He soon found a pair of cold lips on his own warm ones. His eyes widened for a second but soon flattered closed as he wrapped his hand around Off's nack, making sure not to injure Off's body. Off kissed Gun's lips like it was the only medicine he needed to heal. He loves the feeling of Gun's warm, plump lips on his. The kiss wasn't lust or hunger. It was just pure passion and love. He wanted to pull the younger closer but hissed through the kiss when he felt a sharp pain in his stomach.

Gun quickly breaks the kiss and makes sure Off his okay. "Papi. Is the pain to much?" His voice was filled with worries.

"Babi. Please don't leave me. I promise I'll be better. I promise I'll love you more and I won't be a coward. I'll fight for you no matter what it takes. I can't afford to lose you." Off's trails off as tears start to fall from his eyes. "Please." He bagged.

"Papi. Please don't cry." Gun tried his best to hold in his tears and smile. "I won't leave you. Ever. I love you way too much for that. I promise." He promised as he bought his soft tiny hands to wipe down the tears from Off's bruised skin. "Look what you have done. You should have ran towards me. You shouldn't have came to save me. You got hurt all because of me." Gun lost as the tears won their victory and came down is soft cheeks. "I am sorry."

"No!" Off quickly declined as he pulled Gun into a gentle hug. "If I let go of you that day and that guy took you, I would have never forgiven myself. I rather die than to see hurt like that. It's not your fault. I'm going to find who did all this!"

Gun felt his heart sink when he remembered who was behind all this. Off loved his mother. He would be heartbroken if he heard his own mother was behind it. He really wanted to find a way to make sure Off never found out about this... but the police said it was up to Off and him if they wanted to press charges against her.

Knock knock

They quickly broke away from the hug when they heard a knock on the door. A young doctor came in with a clipboard in his hand. "Oh Mr. Jumpol, You woke up." The doctor smiled as he walked towards his patient. "I am Dr. Scoups, the one who did the surgery on you. How are you feeling so far?"

"The pain on the side of my stomach hurts a lot."

"Yes. The surgery was very dangerous and huge, but you fought through it. You should lay down now. I'm going to give you some pain-killing medicine through your IV." He said as he walked over to one of cabinet and took out a syringe and some liquid in a small bottle.

Gun helped Off lay down as Dr. Scoups walked over to them and inserted the liquid into the syringe and into the IV.
He then looked at Gun and smiled. "You are lucky Mr. Jumpol. Your boyfriend stayed with you throughout the whole time. He seems to love you a lot." Dr. Scoups complemented as Gun started blushing.

Off looks at Gun and smiles.

"I am lucky to have him."

"Mike. You should go home and relax." Godji worried as she looked at the man next to him.

Mike still looked alot in pain as his legs were killing him. For the passed 6 hour and a half, he's been sitting down on the same chair.

"I can't. What if those people come back for Off and Gun. I need to protect them as a bodyguard." He started being stubborn.

Godji closed her eyes and lets out a heavy breath. "Listen to yourself Mike. Your leg are in pain even though you're sitting. How are you going to fight people? Please let's go?"

"But Gun-"

"Don't worry about them. They have each other and I'm going to call P'Boy and Kwang to come back from the police station and take care of them. Okay?"

Mike thought for a second before looking at Godji and nodding. The older woman smiled as she finally succeeded.

"I'll call a cab to take me home." Mike said as he was about to pull out his phone but stopped when he found a pair of arm grab his.

"And what do you think you're doing?" Godji asked is she took away the phone for Mike's hold. "Do you have someone at home to take care of you?" she asked as Mike shook his head. "Then it's settled. You're coming with me until you feel better."

"What? I can't do that! I really appreciate your offer but-"

"No buts! You're coming with me and that's final. I have an extra room in my apartment that you could stay in. Now let's go." She ordered as she stood up and offered her hand to Mike.

Mike hesitated at first but grabbed her hand as he stood up. He had a small smile on his face as he knew she was as stubborn as him.


Word: 1,050

They finally confessed!

I know. My husband is a doctor too. He is just that amazing.

S.coups's Wife, Ela.

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