😏Chapter 41: The Best😏

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Long and sinful 😉


Off grabbed the back of Gun's neck with one hand, meanwhile used the other hand to pull Gun closer by his waist. The kiss they shared hasn't been broken for a single second as it grows stronger and stronger.

Off then signals Gun to get off the table as he placed both of his hands between the back of Gun's inner thigh, and lifted the little boy up. Gun wrapped his legs around Off's waist as they both never broke the kiss. Off starts to slowly walk back to the bed and place Gun there. Off felt very impatient and the only thing that was in his mind was to feel the boy he loves. 

He walked over to the night light and turned it on so he could see Gun's face. Gosh did Gun look so hot right now. His lips all swollen from the kiss and messy hair all over the place. Seeing Gun like this made Off turn on even more. The pain in his lower region was growing stronger as well as the lust for Gun. He quickly walked over to the younger boy as they both knew where this was headed.

"Papi... Are you sure you want to do this?" Gun asked worried as he lifted his head a little.

"You have no idea how much I want this. How many dreams I had about this. How many times I tried to stop myself but now, you're all mine." Off confessed. 

He got on top of Gun and stared deep into Gun's pink Plum lips. Off remembered how much he had missed his Gun today and how much he wanted to touch him. Yes he was only out for a few hours but he finds himself becoming obsessed with a younger's sinful lips. He smashed his lips onto Gun's lips. It didn't take him much patient to wait as he bit down Gun's bottom lip, asking for permission, which the younger lets him in happily.

He shoved his wet tongue inside of Gun's hot mouth as he tastes every corner of him. He could taste the orange drink Gun probably had when he was with Mike. Somehow Off's minded darkened as he roughly starts sucking on the younger's wet tongue. 

"Ah- Off." Gun moaned from the rough kiss as he could feel a bit of his saliva running down his cheek. "P-papi~" He finally breathes when Off breaks the kiss, however his breath hitches when he feels something wet on his neck and a cold hand under his shirt. "Ahhh!" He moaned loudly as the wet tongue was licking in a certain spot. The cold hand he felt on his stomach was slowly rising up to his chest. It was driving him crazy and he wanted more. "Papi m-more!" He asked as he wrapped his hand around Off's nack, pulling him closer so he could suck his neck better. 

He quickly opens his eyes when he felt Off's warmth away from his neck. "Don't tell me what to do babi. I am the one in control." He smirked when he saw Gun's frustrated face. He pulls Gun to sit up as he harshly pulled the shirt up Gun's body and threw it on the floor. He once again slammed Gun back on the bed before taking off his own shirt and doing the same thing to the material. 

"I'll make you feel good babi." He commented before placing himself between Gun's inner thighs as he continued to abuse the same spot on Gun's neck. 

"AH!" Gun Moaned when Off found his sensitive spot. 

Off smirked before biting biting down on the left side of Gun's neck, making sure to suck real hard so the hickey could be seen very clearly. He was going to make sure everyone saw Gun was his now. Only his. "Only mine." He mumbled to himself before moving his hips on Gun's. 

"Papi~ P-Please." The younger boy couldn't take it anymore. 

"My babi is so needy." Off lets out a small chuckle before lowering his mouth towards Gun's right nipple. He could feel how hard Gun's nipple is, which made him even suck harder. He started twirling his tongue around Gun's right nipple as his hand was rubbing against the other. He continued to grind his cloth dick on top of Gun's harder. 

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