💋Chapter 38: A Kiss And A Forgiveness💋

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The next day 

"Do you want more?" Gun asked as he took the empty bowl away from Off, that was filled with hospital food not long ago.

"No. Just give me some water."

"Here." Gun said as he handed Off some filtered water.

Off drunk half of the glass and gave it back to Gun, who placed the water glass back on the stand. "Anything else?"


"What is it?"

"Come closer."

Gun raised one of his brows but obeyed Off anyway. He got closer towards Off's bed and lets out a surprised gasp when he felt Off pull in closer until their lips touched. Gun smiled and closed his eyes as he kissed the older back, loving the way Off had his large arm wrapped around his tiny waist.

The kiss was about to get deeper but stopped when they heard a knock on the door. Gun quickly pulled away from the kiss as Off chuckled.

"Come in." Off had to speak for Gun since the younger was blushing way too much.

"Off..." Off's father smiled sadly as he walked into the room with a bouquet of flowers. "How are you feeling?"

"Better." Off replied and looked behind his father. "Where is mom?"

Off's father and Gun looked at each other for a while before Gun nodded.
"Off. I'll be outside." Gun commented as he was ready to take a step.

"Wait no!" Off was fast to grab Gun's arm. "Don't go." 

"I'll be outside. I want to go anywhere." Gun chuckled. 

"Alright... Just don't leave me." He said in a quiet voice that made Gun want to kiss him, but the younger stop himself.

"I won't." He gave the taller a assuming smile before getting out of the room. 

"Gun!" The short boy turned around when he heard someone call his name.

"Mike!" He smiled as he walked closer to him. "How are you doing?" 

"I am just a little fine. How are you and how's Off?" 

"I am fine, but Off is still in pain. He... is talking to his father right now." 

"Is his father going to tell the truth about his mom?"

"He has to. Or else Off will get even more mad when he finds out." 

Mike nodded in understanding as the hall became silent again. They both really didn't know what else to talk about. Should Gun tell Mike that him and Off are together? He doesn't want to hurt Mike, but he can't be giving the younger anymore hope.

"Mike... Off and I a-"

"Don't... I know..."

"I am sorry." Gun looked at the floor.

"Gun... don't be sorry." Mike forced a small Smile as he made Gun look at him. "I was the one chose to like you."

"I know but..."

"No buts. We can't do anything about it, can we? We can't change feelings."

"Mike, I did like you. You are different than Off. You showed me many things that Off never did... and I guess I fell for that... But after yesterday, I realized that no one could take Off's place. I love him a lot."

"Can I ask for one last thing?"


"A kiss... Please."

Gun was shocked for a second but this is the least he could do for someone who risked their life for him. Who comforted him throughout his hard times. He nodded his head before closing his eyes.

(A/N: This is for you. You know who you are my Mikegun shipper.)

Mike lets out a small, sad smile before leaning in and pressing his lips against Gun's. Something he wanted to do for so long. The kiss didn't involve any tongue or anything. Just a soft Goodbye. He wanted to pull Gun in closer and deepen the kiss, but he knew this would freak the younger out. He wanted to pick Gun up and show him how much he loved him, but he didn't want to lose him. He slowly pulls out of the kiss and Gun flatters his eyes open. 

"Thank you." He Smiles, which made Gun Smile Back. "I'll get going." 

"Wait! Where are you going?" He panicked as he didn't want to lose Mike as a friend. 

"Haha." Mike laughs when he saw the scared expression on Gun's face. "Don't worry, I'm not leaving you. I need to go downstairs before Godji comes and pulls me by the year." 

"Godji? Why?" 

"I am staying with her.... Well basically forced to." Mike chuckled. 

"Ahhh. Lucky you. She will love you to death for sure." 

"Papi!?" Gun panicked as he entered the room and he saw Off crying.  "Papi?" 

"Gun... I-it's my M-mom..." 

"I know." Gun replied as it broke his heart to see Off crying like That. He went near the crying boy and pulled him into his arms. "It's going to be okay." He whispered softly as he kissed the top of his hair and robbed his hand in a circular motion behind Off's back. 

They stayed like that for a couple of minutes as the room was filled with Off's cries and Gun's soft whisper, telling him that it's going to be okay. 
Gun could feel his soft fabric getting wet from the elders cry. 

"I a-am so s-sorry." Off apologized for his mother. "It's a-all because of h-her."

"Papi." Gun gently lifted Off's face away from his neck as he looked into the boy's deep eyes. "Don't say that. It's not your fault." 

"It is!" Gun fringed a little from the sudden scream. "She tried hurting you to keep you away from me." 

"She never meant to hurt me. The guys don't listen to her." 

"No Gun, you don't get it. She Tried threatening you! Tried to separate us! Scared you to death! Why are you defending her? You should hate her!" Off lets out his frustration as he breaks down crying again. 

Gun brings the older into his Embrace again as he waits for him to calm down.
"Papi. I can't hate her. I tried, but she was like a mother to me. Even though it was fake, I felt loved by her. I could see why she tried to do that... she wanted the best for you."

"She can't decide what's best for me." Off argued back. "She was just being selfish!"

"Yes she was selfish, but that's what mothers are towards their kids. look, she gave up her blood for you."

"This wouldn't have happened if she never did this in the first place! I'm going to put her in jail for this."

"Off! Please don't."

"No. I c-"

"Off, look at me." Gun orders as he placed both his small hands on Off's cheek and made him look at him. "You don't want to do that. I now you don't." He said as he waited for the older to say something, but Off was silenced so he continued. "I am mad at her, but I'm not going to press any charges against her. Cause I know you still love your mother. She made a mistake, a huge one! But She's suffering it right now. She's probably breaking down in the jail cell while we're sitting here. Don't press charges against her. Please."

"How can I be so lucky to have someone like you?" He smiled before pulling the smaller into a deep kiss. "I love you so much."

"I love you more."

The end.

Just kidding. Next chapter is going to be better.


Word: 1,279

Do you think he should have forgiven his mom? 

S.coups's Wife, Ela 

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