🏚Chapter 19: A Dark Place Called Home.🏚

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Turn the Lights. I don't want to go home in the dark.


"I am back." Off said as he placed his jacket on the back of the chair, and entered his parent's house.

"Oh my baby!" Off's mom,
Mrs. Dararat, stopped her conversation with a woman Off never saw, and ran off the couch, to go hug her son. "I missed you my baby. Why didn't you come visit your mom sooner."

"I am sorry ma." Off giggles, as he pulled his mom out of the hug. "I was busy with work." He gave his mom a smile, even though at this moment he didn't feel like it.

"You always have work." His mom pouted, which made Off laugh. Off's eyes and then drifted off to the unfamiliar young woman, sitting on the couch. She looked very young, maybe around his age. His mom noticed Off staring at the girl, and she chuckled.

"Off, meet N'Milk [A/N: The girl from Theory of love.] She is Mr. Alim's only daughter." His mom pulled Off closer to the couch. "And N'Milk, meet Off, my handsome son."

"Hello. It's nice to finally meet you." The girl took out her hand.

"Mmm." Off only harmed, as he shook the girl's hand, totally not interested.
"Ma." Off then turned around to his mom. "Where is pa?"

"Your dad is probably outside, talking to Mr. Alim on the call. He'll be in soon. But you must be hungry. Do you want anything to eat?"

"It's alright." Off responded as he took a seat on the other couch. He pulled out his phone from his pocket, to call Gun, to make sure the younger was home safely... but he couldn't bring himself to call. He knew Gun was mad and he should wait until Gun calms down, but the thought of Gun being with another guy, pissed him off.

The atmosphere in the room was quiet. Milk and Mrs. Dararat looked at each other before Mrs. Dararat spoke.
"So Off, do you mind showing N'Milk around Thailand? She just came back from America and she'll be staying at our house for a while. I'm pretty sure you guys could find something interesting to talk about." He's mom said with hopeful eyes.

"Ummm... sorry Mom, but I don't think I can. This entire week is going to be very busy." Off lied, knowing what his mom was up to.

"Oh... it's all right then. I'll show her around. We've been bonding a lot lately." His mom laughed and squeezed Milk's hand.

Milk and Mrs. Dararat talked for a while, until Off's dad came into the room. He had a smile on his lips, but as soon as he saw Off, the smile disappeared, and turned into a frown.
"Look who finally decided to come."
He growled.

"Hello pa." Off gave his dad a wai.

"Oh honey, you finally finished. Let's go eat dinner, it's pretty late." Mrs. Dararat jumped out of the couch, and went to the dining room, where the maids already sets the table up.

They all sat around the dinner table, before starting to dig into their food. The first few minutes was silent, as all four of them were eating. Mr.Sompob, Off's father, finally decided to start a discussion. Since he doesn't get to see his son often.

"How was the show today? I heard you had one." He said as he started cutting the meat.

"It was fine, everything went well."  The show might have went well, but after the show was over, it a complete disaster.

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