⚡Chapter 33: Plan B⚡

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I am upto chapter 18 in Daddy's Boy. Eeeeee! Been writing non-stop for couple of days.

"Oh God! My eyes look worse than Bloody Mary's." Gun sighed as he looked it at the big mirror in front of him.

His eyes were all dark and red from not able to get a proper night's sleep and from crying. He still feels better every time he recalls last night's activity. But right now he had some important work to do, so he could care less about it.

"I think that should be fine." He mumbled to himself as he looked at the outfit he was wearing in the mirror.

He quickly got out of the bathroom and pulled out his phone from the charger and placed it inside his red bag. He then proceeded to put his wallet inside his pocket and walked down stairs, making sure not to make much noise and wake the bodyguards sleeping next door.

It was currently 7 a.m., too early for anyone to wake up but the company that they had the fan meeting yesterday called Gun this morning, saying there were still few fan gifts left in the building. They told Gun to come first and pick them up, and later Kwang will come, since she was running some errands.

"Why didn't she call me? Maybe she's really busy." Gun mumbles about Kwang as he placed his red back on top of the couch and walked towards the kitchen to grab a glass of warm water.
"I should probably leave Off and Mike a Note." He whispered to himself as he opened the cabinet to find a blue sticky notes and a black Sharpie marker.

I am going to the #### company to grab some leftover gifts with Kwang.

He placed the sticky note on the fridge as he quickly headed out the door and into a cab, since Kwang wasn't here to pick him up in the van. 

Off and Mike both walked down the wooden stairs, not talking to each other or even looking at one another.
Both of the bodyguards eyes were in the same States as Gun's. Red and Fluffy from crying.

Mike walked towards the sink to grab a glass of warm water as Off was about to open the fridge but then noticed the blue post it. He curiously pulled out the post it and read it. That's weird, he taught to himself as he looked at it.

"What's that?" Mike questioned as he took a gulp of the warm water.

"It's a note from Gun saying he and Kwang are going to the company to grab some leftover gifts." He explained as he handed Mike the post it. "But it's weird, since the staff always make sure to grab every last bit of gift."

"Maybe they forgot this time." Mike shrug his shoulder as he placed down the post it on top of the counter and continued to drink his water.

"Could be... but I'll call Kwang to see when they're coming back." Off said as he took out his pocket from his sweatpants and dialed Kwang's number. After 2 ring, Kwang picked up the phone.

"Why are you calling so early in the morning? Do you have nothing better to do?" Kwang's voice sounded as if she just woke up.

"What are saying? When are you and Gun going to come back?"

"Dude. I don't have time for your jokes in the morning. What are you talking about?"

"Aren't you and Gun at the company picking up some leftover gifts?" Off was filled with confusion as he looked at Mike, who was also listening to the conversation since Off placed Kwang on speaker. 

"No? Ain't no one got time to do that so early in the morning. Plus our staff always pick up the gifts. You already know that!" She sounded annoyed. 

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