📦Chapter 26: The Black Box📦

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A little short early chapter because I felt very touched by some people's comments and wanted to write. You guys are honestly amazing. Thank you for the warm comments ❤️❤️❤️.


The robbed that smiles, steals something from the thief.


A few days later

Gun let's out another big sigh as he was walking back to his apartment from work. He was getting a headache from the way Off was behaving. Childish. 

He was expecting Off to behave cold and mean after what Gun said 5 days ago. He felt so guilty for what he said and he wanted to apologize, however the older was acting too childish and not even listening to him. Off acted cold and kept a distance between him and Gun the very next day he stormed out of Gun's apartments, however that was only for a day. The next day, everything seems to be better... like magic? Gun has no idea what's going on inside Off's head but he has noticed that Off became even more protective... Like he owns Gun! 

Gun felt relieved that things weren't awkward between them as he expected... but he was still upset that Off didn't take what he said before seriously. He doesn't own Gun! However the older doesn't seem to understand that. Especially when Gun's around Mike!

When Mike and Gun planned to go out and eat, Off came up and told Gun that he had extra work, so Gun had to cancel his plan. When Gun went back to the GMM building to see what work he had to do, he found out that there were no work from the start! He stormed up to the older male for an explanation, but he wouldn't even open his mouth. Why was Off acting like that?!

"He's so annoying!" Gun commented before opening the door to his apartment. He stepped inside and turned on the lights, since it was already getting dark outside. He went towards his kitchen and grabbed a glass of water to drink. As he was drinking, he noticed the window and the curtains were open once again! 

"What the Fuck!" Gun whispered as he remembers- no, he knows he closed them before going to work. He felt a sudden chill go down his spine. He slowly puts the water cup down and walks towards the window. He looked at the building in front of his building, but it was a bit far so he couldn't see anything. He took a step back and closed the window along with the curtains. He looked back at his apartment and scanned the whole kitchen and living room, nothing seemed to be out of place.

Gun was a little scared now. He looked at his bedroom Door, deciding whether he should go in or not. Part of him wanted to run out of the apartment but part of him wanted to go inside. He stared at the door knob for a while before holding on to it and twisting it open. He turned the lights on and the first thing he noticed, was a black box top of his bed! Who could get inside his apartment? The only person who has his key card is him and his... manager!

Gun slowly walk towards the box. He was very nervous with every step he took, however he was relieved once he saw the label. "Here are your outfits Gun! - P'boy."

Gun smiled. "How overdramatic of me! P'Boy must have taken the card for my manager to give me the box... but he really should have closed the window once he left. Silly him!" Gun giggled as he opened the box. He was really excited to see how the clothes turned out. They had their fan meeting in a few days, and he really wanted to try the clothes on before putting them into his luggage.

Once he opened the box, there was a red layer of paper. He couldn't see what was underneath the paper, however he thought it was so fancy how P'Boy designed the the box. He noted to give P'Boy a compliment later! 

He slowly pulled the red paper, hearing how the paper made crumbling noises. 
He looked inside the box... however his heart stop beating! 

"What the Fuc-!" Gun screamed as he stumbled back and fell. 

This box was not from P'Boy! 


Word: 700

Next chapter is exciting!

Q: What's in the box?

S.coups's Wife, Ela.

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