⚂Chapter 16: The Third Wheeler⚂

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If I'm going to be the third wheeler, might as well make you feel my pain.


It was around 10 a.m by the time Gun reached the GMM company. He was an hour late, since last night he went to bed late. He greeted some of the staffs, who were working on their computer. He quickly went to the room, where he and Off usually discuss about their work, before the boss finds out about him being late for work. He quickly opened the door and entered the room, giving himself a pat on the back for not getting caught.

When he turns around, he sees Off sitting down on the red couch, with his right leg over his laft, reading some paper, while drinking coffee from from a cup.

"When did you get here?" Gun asked as he walked over to the couch.

"Mmm... about a hour ago." Off replied, his eyes still glued on the paper.

Gun had to admit that Off was amazing. Last night after the fireworks show was over, both of them went to their house pretty late, But Off still managed to come to work on time.

Off took a sip of his coffee, and placed the cup down on the coffee table. Gun, without wasting a second, grabbed that cup, and started drinking from it. Feeling satisfied since he don't have enough time to have a full breakfast. Off's eyes finally left the paper, and he looked at Gun, as Gun was still busy drinking from his cup. Off lets out a quiet chuckle and goes back to reading the paper.

Gun took few more sips out of the cup, until he felt he had enough to keep him going. He reached for the paper that was on the table, and started reading them.

"August xx, 2019: OffGun Oishi series battle with TayNew." Was on the paper.

"What is this?" Gun asked Off.

Off placed the paper that he was holding on the table, and scoots over to Gun, and looks at the paper.

"Oh that." Off looks at Gun. "We'll be having a concert on August xx. Me, you, Tay, and New will be singing the song 'Charming People' by Pang Nakarin."

"What!? Really? I love this song!" Gun takes the paper from Off's hand, and reads over the detail once again, understanding it better this time.

"The boss wanted just TayNew to sing this song, but I requested if we could join, and he said it's not a bad idea."

"The boss... y-you mean..." Gun's face turned pale when he realized something.

"Yep. The boss came over this morning to tell me this, and he asked  why you were late."

"Shit!" Gun cursed under his breath, but it was loud enough for Off to hear. Off saw the panic in Gun's eye, and chuckled.

"Don't worry. I told him that you came to work on time, and I sent you to look for some important paper." Off said as Gun calms down.

Gun jumped on Off and gave him a huge hug. "Thank you Papiiiii! You're a life saver."

Off blushed a little from the hug, but tried his best not to hug back. Gun soon broke the hug, and went back to reading some other papers. He was disappointed, but used to it. 

Off goes back to his spot on the couch, and starts drinking the little bit of coffee that was left in the cup.

"Hello? Mike?"

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