🔞Chapter 13: I Need You.🔞

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This is 18+.... but feel free to read it even if you're not 18. Its not like you'll listen if I said not to. I am not even 18.

Off had finally came back to Thailand. His manager suggested to come and pick him up from the airport, but he declined it, saying he wanted to go to Gun's apartment first. He missed Gun a lot, and there's nothing more he wanted to do, then spend time with his Babii. He wants to hug and squeeze everything out of him. Off called for a taxi and gave the taxi driver Gun's address. Throughout the ride, Off's mind was filled with how Gun's reaction was going to be like. He was sure that the younger was going to jump into his arm. And he was excited to touch a Gun as well. When they finally reached Gun's building, he ran to the elevator and went to Gun's floor.

He was going to knock on the door, but noticed that the door was not locked. This kind of made Off angry, because how can the younger one be so careless? Off stormed into the apartment, everything was still how it was when he had left. He couldn't help but feel a sense of ease from the familiar setting.


He set down his bag and toed off his shoes at the front door. He walked through the house carefully, not even sure if the smaller was home.


Off perked up at the familiar name, turning to where he heard it, his steps lead him to the bedroom.

"Babii?" Creaking the door open slightly, he was greeted with a sight only the heavens above must enjoy.

There he was. His babii. In nothing but a white towel, which hung dangerously low. His pale skin, water dripping from his hair, his bare chest was out for the world to see. His face was filled with such an innocent joy, seeming not to be bothered with his current dress situation.

The taller couldn't help but gulp as he walked toward him. He was stopped in his tracks however when Gun ran to him instead, wrapping his small arms tightly around his sides. "I missed you so much papii!" He cried into Off's fully clothed chest as he squeezed Off.

"I missed you too..." he pat the younger's head, his eyes only looking at the ceiling. He could feel the younger's slightly hardened nipples from the cold, through his thin t-shirt. Having the boy in his arms after so long, and the boy being basically naked, did nothing to keep down his Mr.Big Jumpol.

"Why did you leave me?" Gun asked, his tone becoming huskier. Off thought he was about to cry.

"Im sorry-"

"I needed you so badly..."

Gun looked up, and the taller realized it wasn't sadness in his voice. It was lust.

"I need you now papi."

Something snapped in the older. Off tried to convince himself that it was wrong. He can't fall in love with Gun. But for some reason, seeing Gun like this, made his mind stopped working. He wanted Gun Underneath him. His eyes grew cloudy with arousal and his grip on Gun was renowned with a new strength.

Gun yelped as he was thrown back onto his bed. Off was now sitting top of Gun as his legs were trapping Gun in. He began to take his shirt off, throwing it to some part of the region.

"Papii..." Gun whined, reaching up to touch. Off let him, he shuddered at the small hands that was going up and down on his torso, and reaching for his chest as he tried to unbuckle his own belt. "Hurry, please papi."

The larger growled deeply, impatient, he ripped off the towel to reveal the smaller's cock. It was so pretty, already hard and desperate for attention. Gun had whimpered slightly, turning red as he tried to hide his face by turning it into the sheets.

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