🖐️Chapter 24: Hard To Say Goodbye🖐️

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"I gotta let you know, that I need to let you go. Hard to say goodbye."



After finishing lunch with New, Gun walks into the GMM building and found Off sitting down on the couch and going through what looks like some files. As soon as Gun entered the room, Off quickly got up with a smile, like he was waiting for Gun to come. He was. He didn't worry much that Gun went out with New, but he still wished Hun took his offer.

"Gun! You're here!" 

"Mmm." Gun replied as he went near the couch and took a seat. "Are these the file for the fan meet?" Gun questioned as he picked up one of the files.

"Ah yes." Off quickly took a seat next Gun and picked up another file. "It says the fan meet is going to be at Chiang Mai. Don't you have a house there?"

"Yes. I brought my parents a house there, but right now they're out of the country. How long are we going to stay there?"

"Mmm..." Off opened the file that was on his hand and scanned through the papers. "It says about a week or two depending on how many fans there are."

"Then we'll stay in my house."

"There's no need. We could stay in the hotel."

"It's fine. No one is using my house and it's a waste of money to use the hotel, especially since it's expensive there."

"Are you sure you'll be fine with the stuff staying at your house?"

"Yeah. The house is very big and there are many rooms there."

Off nodded as he grabbed the other file to show Gun something. He moved a little towards Gun on the couch and closed the distance between them, but Gun quickly flinched and moved the other way. He needed a little space from Off in order to control this feeling, completely forgetting what New said about "You can't control your feelings." 

Off felt a Pang in his heart as he noticed what Gun did. Gun was not only talking to Off as if they're just work Partners... but also treating him like. "Gun... did I make you feel uncomfortable." Off quickly asked as he faced Gun.

"Sorry P'... I just need some time."

"Stop calling me P'. You can call me 'Papi' like you used to." Off felt pissed.
He wanted Gun to call him Papi again. Never in his life has he missed this nickname more than today.

"I think it's best if we stay formal for a while. I'm sorry if it makes you feel uncomfortable, but I want to do what I feel like." Gun burst out.

Off looked at the ground and realized the new drama he has created. He knows he's at fault, but he still wants Gun being back to his old self. Call him selfish, but he wants his Gun back. 

They discussed few details about their upcoming fan meeting as they kept a distance between them. From time to time, Off would wish Gun to close the distance and cling onto him like Gun always would. He wants Gun to touch him and he wants to smell Gun's  body scent... but nothing like that happened. Soon after they finished discussing, Gun said his goodbyes and left the room, without even giving the older a hug... like he always would.

Gun decided to come home early today since he was too exhausted from trying to survive the day... although he was proud of himself for getting through the day without breaking down. He reached down to his bag and took his keycard out. He was about to open the door when he felt a soft tap on his shoulder. He quickly turned around to find Mike smiling so brightly.

"Hey Gun!" Mike greeted as he chewed on his gum loudly. 

"Mike!? What are you doing here?" 

"I came to see you, but what are you doing here so early." He chewed on his gum even louder.

"I got out of work early."

"Did you eat?"

"Yes I had lunch. Did u?"

"Not yet, but will soon."

"What!? You are a bodyguard. You're supposed to be eating well. Whatever. Just come inside, I'll cook you something." Gun finally opened his door and signaled Mike to come inside.
Mike was about to step in when Gun stopped him though.

"What?" Mike asked with a confused face?

"Spit the gum out. I can't stand people who chew loudly." Gun demanded.

"Yes sir" Mike shouted.

Gun was washing the vegetables meanwhile Mike set down on the table with a pout. Gun told him that he was going to make the lunch however Mike insisted to help.

"Gunnnnn~ Let me help!" 

"Eww. Don't pout. Only I could look cute doing it." Gun laughed out.

"If you're not going to let me help, I'm going to keep on pouting." He whined before pulling his bottom lip down even more. Gun dipped his hand into the water and then splashed it into Mick's face! "Hey! What was that for!?"

"I told you not to pout."

"You know what? I had enough!" Mike made a serious face before getting out of the table, and running to Gun. He had a smirk on his face as he took the vegetables out of Gun's hand and placed them back in the sink. He trapped Gun in between his hands and the counter as he stared deep into Gun's eye. 

"W-what are you d-doing?" Gun nervously asked as he tried to push Mike away. 

Mike's smirk grew bigger as he saw Gun blush. He went closer to Gun's ear before whispering. "Let me help you, or else..." Mike leaned forward towards Gun's face as the small boy tried to turn his face away. They were only a few inches away and both of them could feel their heartbeat beating fast. Mike quickly dipped his hand into the water, before splashing the water on to Gun's face. 

"MIKE!!!" Gun shouted before wiping the water off his face and opening his eyes. He found Mike sticking his tongue out towards Gun as he teased the smaller boy. "I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!!!" Gun quickly grabbed a long carrot and started running after the bodyguard. 

"Boss, Gun's Ex bodyguard is at his place." A man in black suit whispered into the phone as he had a binocular in his other hand. He was looking at Gun's apartment through the window from another building.

"Make sure to take enough pictures and find out more about that bodyguard."

"Yes boss."

"This is getting interesting." The boss smiled as they took a sip out of the tea cup.


word: 1,162

Sorry for the late update. I'm trying to finish a chapter within 4 days but things get harder when you have two projects to do and have a lazy ass. :)

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S.Coups's Wife, Ela

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