💚New story ideas💚

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Please take some of your beautiful time, and read through these 7 Offgun story ideas I have. Vote at the end, which story you would like me to write. The story that gets most vote by the next month, will be the story I write about. If you want a little change in some of the stories, just comment below. I will be taking some requests as well.

I do not own the picture, but I did edit some part.


Dating my stalker

Dating my stalker

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Top: Off

Bottom: Gun

A/N: This story is going to be hella dark. Off is an obsessed man over Gun. There is going to be an almost rape scene. This one is definitely over 18.

Gun and Off have been dating for 3 months now. It's been the best three months of Gun's life, getting to know this man. One day, Gun woke up in Off's apartments, like he's been doing for the past few week. He found the bed empty and frowned. He heard noise from the bathroom, which meant Off was taking a shower. His frown quickly turned into a smile, as he thought of something. Today was his birthday, so maybe Off was hiding a gift for Gun in his apartment. Gun getting very curious, got out of bed and searched the whole house to see if he could find his present... but he didn't find anything. Just then, his eyes lead to a red closet at that corner of the room. He never got to see what was inside the closet, even though he knew everything about Off's  apartment. He saw Off's wallet on top of the table, and he found the key there. He smirked before grabbing the key and opening the closet.

The closet was all empty, except for a black box in the middle. Gun Giggles thinking maybe that was his present. He opened the box, and in his giggles stopped completely. His eyes widened as he scanned the Box. There were pictures... pictures of him when he was in elementary, pictures of him when he was in Middle School, pictures of him when he was in high school and when he was in college... even when he was at work... but how's that possible? Why does Off have these? He only met Off 3 months ago. He quickly scanned deeper into the box... fear was in his heart. He pulled out 4 small plastic Ziplock bags. One had his heir. Another had his clipped nails. The third one had a Gum, and was labeled "Gun's gum"... and the fourth one had his blood. Even though Gun wanted to run out of this apartment right now, he still dug further to find a iPad. Once he turned the iPad on, the screen was filled whit what looked like camera footages... inside his apartment. There were cameras everywhere, In his living room, in his kitchen, in his bedroom, and even in his bathroom.

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