🐳Chapter 15: Oh My God! SpongeBob🐳

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When you're an introvert, but your whole entire family is an extrovert... feel my pain. I just finished peeling 24 potatoes, because apparently over 30 people are coming over to my house. I just wanted to sleep all day 😭😭😭.


"Give me a fish and I eat for a day. Teach me to fish and I eat for a lifetime."



"Alright, thank you. I'll be back by tonight. Yes, goodbye." Off finished talking on the phone.

"Who were you talking to?" Gun asked as he placed the last dish on the table, for breakfast.

"The cleaning lady. I told them to dust down my house today." Off replied as he said down on the table, starving for Gun's food.

"Does that mean you'll stay here tonight?" Gun aked cheerfully.

"No... They'll be finished by tonight."

"Oh... You could stay here if you want." Gun's voice was filled with disappointment.

"It's alright. We have work tomorrow."

Of course Off wanted to stay. He wants to stay next to Gun all the time. But he knew he wouldn't be able to control himself. Just thinking about what he did last night was a perfect example. He does not regret kissing Gun. He actually quite enjoyed it. If he stayed tonight, he would do it again. But what if Gun one day wakes up? How is he going to explain it to Gun? How's he going to tell Gun that he loves him, but could not date him?
Off is a coward, and he knows it himself.

"Then... Can we go out and have fun today?" Gun suggested as they were eating.

"No Gun."

"Please~~ We don't have any work today."

"I have to go meet up with someone for work." Off quickly made up an excuse.



"Ummm... You don't know that person."

"Is it a girl or a boy?" Gun questioned.  Yes. Gun indeed gets jealous very easily.

"Does it really matter? I'm going for work related things Gun."


"No buts"

"Fine! You are no fun!" Gun pouted as he finished the last bite of his egg.


Gun really wanted to go to the aquarium because he just finished watching Finding Dory few days ago, and now he really wants to go see the fish. There's also going to be a firework show in a park near the aquarium at night. It's been a while since he last saw some firework. He wished he could have gone with Off. Gun doesn't feel that disappointed, since someone else popped in his mind. Mike!

Gun got up from the couch and ran toward the nightstand, that was near his bed, and got his phone. Off stopped typing in his laptop, when he noticed Gun running to get the phone.
Off watched as a smile appeared on Gun's face. An excited smile. Gun went through his phone, until he found Mike's number. The smile on his face gotten bigger. He quickly called Mike, and after 2 ring, Mike answered.

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