👙Chapter 27: Inside The Black Box👙

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It's not what's on the outside. It's what's on the inside that terrified me.


Gun didn't want to get up from the floor. He felt too scared to even move a single muscle... But he knew he shouldn't stay in this apartment any longer! He quickly got up and grabbed his phone from the table and ran out of the house as fast as he could. Tears were streaming down his face as fear took over him. He ran to the elevator and pressed the lobby floor. His hands constantly kept on pressing the button to the point where the button may break. Once he was in the lobby, where there were a couple of people. He felt a little safe. He pulled out his phone and without thinking, he called the first person that came to his mind. A person who could make him feel safe. A person who made his heart act before his brain.


After about two rings, the older male picked up the phone.

"Hello? Gun? What happened?" Gun could hear Off's worried and concerned voice. 

"P-papi!" Gun cried as he tried to calm down his sobs, forgetting the fact he promised to never call Off 'Papi'.

"Babi! What happened?! Why are you crying?!" Off almost screamed on the phone. Gun called him 'Papi' and that didn't go unnoticed by the elder. However he was too worried at this point. 

"I-I think s-someone broke into my-my h-house and- a-and-" Gun was too scared to even explain further.

"Babi listen to me. Get out of your apartment and go somewhere where there's people! I was on my way home but there is traffic! Call someone... anyone that you could trust and have them by your side! I'll be there as fast as I can. I promise. Please come down." Off explained on the phone as he could feel his heart almost breaking.

Gun nodded even though the older male couldn't see it. He didn't want to end the call because he felt safe, however he knew he needed to call someone else before Off comes. 

"Fuck the damn traffic!" He cursed as he ended the call and got out of his car. There was no way he'll be able reach Gun's apartment in this traffic. It's better off running. He didn't care if his car was going to get taken away or the fact that he has to run miles! The only thing on his mind was his Babi! 

"Gun!" The male shouted as he entered the lobby. 

"Mike!" Gun got off the lobby couch and ran to Mike. After Gun ended his call with Off, he called the second person that came to his mind. Mike. 

Gun was taken aback when Mike hugged him. Mike's hugs were warm. It made him feel safe... A little. "Are you okay!?" Mike asked as he pushed Gun back to check if he had any marks on his body. 

"I am fine... But there was someone in my apartments!" He was able to explain it better after calming down a little. 

"Alright! Let's go check it out!" Mike was about to run towards the elevator but Gun stopped him and shook his head. 

"It's too dangerous for you to go alone and I don't want to be here by myself. Can we wait until P'Off is coming? Then we could all go and check it out." 

Mike nodded in agreement. He was so worried about Gun that he forgot the rule of not entering somewhere dangerous alone.

"Then should we call the cops?" Mike asked. 

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